I have never thanked anyone in person for the sevice they perform in protecting this country Australia ,however I have always been thankful ,even when I was a JW for the service they have performed in protecting the freedoms that we all enjoy today.
I always had a problem as a witness how it was OK for jehovahs chosen people to engage in warfare up to a certain point in history and then it was not acceptable.
I was always under the belief that Jehovah God was the same yesterday as he is today and will be the same tomorrow.
Jehovah God doesnt change ------Then in other scriptures he does change -----?
The jehovahs Witnesses would not have had the freedom to preach this past 100+ years if everybody practiced what they preach and opted for conscientious objection.
If germany under Nazism and Japan under Imperialism had won the war ,the witnesses would not have had the freedom to preach as they have today..
They should be thanking the service men and women themselves..( Jehovah God didnt interfere )
Thanks coded logic , I will be mindful of that when I see a service person.
A good post.