No more news about this crime ? Anybody from the UK ?
Posts by smiddy
Police cordon around Honiton's Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses after fatal stabbing
by ShirleyW inhey uk folks, what's going with this story?
was it an unbelieving mate that attacked and elder or something?.
1914 is the Key !
by Phizzy ini thought this deserved its own topic.
it is a thought that occurred to me as i read the wt rag that i took to be polite.. it is the public one about the 4 horseman, and it struck me that they are still 100% reliant on their false 1914 doctrine to hang everything on.. if 1914 is proved wrong, what can the credibility of their doomsday message hang on ?.
we all know how to disprove the old 2520 years nonsense, but they seem to at last be hiding that, and simply claiming that world events prove jesus slung the devil out of heaven in 1914.. so, what has that old devil done since 1914, 103 years ago ?.
How does Jesus being made King in 1914 sit with Satan as the God of this system of things when Jehovah appointed the superior authorities to law and order among the population .
And Christians are to be in subjection to them because its Gods arrangement. Rom.:ch.13
Not only do JW`s speak out of both sides of their mouth apparently the Bible does also.
Do JW Public Family Obituary Notices Include Names of Disfellowshipped Family Members
by steve2 ini have read some heart-rending accounts on this forum - and on reddit - of ex-jws not finding out about the deaths of their jw family members - especially elderly fathers or mothers - until sometimes weeks after the deaths, if at all.
and even then, they learn of the deaths via tersely communicated messages delivered probably due to a skerrick of remaining conscience by the jw-family spokesperson that the "decent" thing is to let the disfellowshipped individual know their own father or mother has died.. a whole range of painful issues are stirred up by that topic alone.
but it has also raised in my mind other related issues:.
steve2 ,i think you already know the answer to your quesion .however it would be good to get actual occurences.
Not that I have any examples either pro or con ,the many feedbacks on similar posts on this forum would suggest that active JW`s would not recognise a DF person in an Orbituary notice whether they are the deceased or a family member of the deceased.
If they dont acknowledge them while they are alive ,why would they acknowledge them in death ?
Just saying..
Family dynamics and cult influence
by longgone inthe following incident is nothing unusual to any jw, but i wanted to add on to the list of reasons to never join, and sympathize with those stuck in it, and again a reminder that you can never get away from the mayhem when you have family still in.
in a recent conversation with my jw sister who i love very much, i was reminded how complex and abnormal relationships can become within a jehovah's witness family.families relationships can be difficult with any religion or none, but once we throw in the various labels and restrictions within the jw family it becomes really cultish.
no one outside it could begin to understand.
I know , its very hard to comprehend the logic of a die-hard , true-blue Jehovahs witness
.I think a study of their brains might elicit some valuable information by Physchologists ,physchiatrists or nuerologists ,surely something must be amiss .
Take care Lg
I took a Watchtower Rag !
by Phizzy ini accepted a wt mag/rag from a bro i have known for decades just to be polite.
i asked him if he would like my comments on it sometime, he said he would listen, (yea maybe he will hear, but not really listen and absorb what i have to say.).
the interesting thing is, they are getting better, the borg,there was only one "half quote" where they select what they want from a source, and ignore the rest of what the source says.. and only one blatant lie.. it was the mag about the 4 horsemen, and a supplementary article makes the false claim that " archaeology repeatedly supports the bible's historical accuracy".. this is typical jw borg propaganda speak.
How about the claim that the sun stood still in Joshua's day ? The sun always stands still in relation to the earth and always has.
The earth revolves around the sun and not the reverse,giving the impression the sun moves across the sky when in fact its the earth turning that gives this impression.
The scripture should have said the sun appeared to stand still
Whatever way you look at it completely un scientific To stop the earth rotating to give the impression of the sun standing still would have destroyed all life on earth as we know it.
Lots of newbies posting! Welcome one and all!
by freddo inis there something going on in jaydub land that has brought this on?
hope so!.
I add my warm welcome to all the newbies also ,and its not just young ones who are waking up but some old timers.
JWs and Pacifism
by pale.emperor inpacifismˈpasɪfɪz(ə)mnoun: pacifismthe belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.. .
one thing that always irked me as a witness was their pacifism.
i totally agree that non violence is a wonderful way to live, but at the same time whenever i'd read or watch something about nazi germany i always thought being a pacifist in that environment wouldn't work.
I`m sorry pale emperor ,but jehovahs witnesses were never pacifists and dont claim to be.
noun: pacifism
The belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.They believe wholeheartedly in the" war of the Great day Of God Almighty" killing God knows how many people worldwide.
that hardly equates them to being pacifists.
Your confusing neutrality in Governmental affairs of any nation with being pacifists in war.While they may not engage in actuall combat in warfare themselves they do approve of Gods forces killing untold millions in the war of armageddon of their fellow humans.
Therefore they are not pacifists.
How can angels be sexually attracted to women?
by Island Man inthe nephilim account in genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction.
think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals.
now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible.
My question is how can a spiritual Angel for thats what he is right ? produce sperm that impregnates a human female so that she gives birth to an offspring .?
If an Angel can take on the form of a human whats the difference from what Jehovah created in the garden of Eden ?
Are they creators also ?
Is that who God /Jehovah was referring to when he said in Gen 3 :22 "the man has become like one of us "
His peers ? his equals ? other Gods ?
Interesting Take on Vows
by konceptual99 inso yesterday was the wt on vows.. it spoke, in part about two vows.
the vow you make in dedication and the vow of marriage.
here's how it describes them.. the most important vow that a christian can make is the one with which he dedicates his life to jehovah.
I have said it before and I will say it again .
Jehovahs Witnesses speak out of both sides of their mouth .
You cant trust anything they say or even what they put in print because they will change it given time.
Begining of freedom???
by JW-AWAKED J17 inhello every body!.
it's my thirst time here.
i'm verry glad to tell you my resignation as an elder in my local congregation.
Welcome to the forum my friend we look forward to hearing more from you when you are ready to share your story or snippets thereof.