Wow ,I`m so sorry , take care DJ , and yes I will look it up.
Posts by smiddy
Did You Know You Can Have Seizures While You Sleep and Not Know It?
by David_Jay ini have to take some time off even from some of my favorite activities for a while...that means here...until i can adjust to a new medical therapy.. i just learned today that i have nocturnal epilepsy and have been having seizures almost every night for several decades!
just started medication that will mess me up when it comes to processing my thinking and typing for a while, so until that straightens out i will just have to read for now.. but look it up.
UK Terrorists attacks
by Phoebe ini don't know if anyone has talked about this yet, forgive me if they have.
but i am just so, so sad that yet more innocent lives have been so brutally taken.
we've now had three attacks in three months and there has been countless terror attacks stopped by the police.. my jw acquaintances see these attacks as proof the end is near.
Yes phoebe ,it will get better as time moves on.but its really up to you.Educate yourself about the control JW`s have over people.and the fear hopelessness they instill in people always preying on the negatives in society and the vulnerable people to exploit them .
Jw`s always look for the negative things that happen in society to instill fear and hopelessnes ,never do they highlight the positive things that happen in society as that doesnt fit their agenda,
Did the fact that cain killed Abel prove the end was near ? What i am saying is you can look at any period in history of bad things happening and you could say the end must be near
Jehovahs witnesses have been milking this belief for over a hundred years and their interpretation of prophecy is still nowhere matched by world events .
Their claim : Religion will be done away with before the nations attack Jehovahs witnesses .
Is their any sign of that ? now or in the immediate future ? I dont think so. Think about it.
JWs and Pacifism
by pale.emperor inpacifismˈpasɪfɪz(ə)mnoun: pacifismthe belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.. .
one thing that always irked me as a witness was their pacifism.
i totally agree that non violence is a wonderful way to live, but at the same time whenever i'd read or watch something about nazi germany i always thought being a pacifist in that environment wouldn't work.
I can only relate to my time as a JW from the 1960`s to 1993 ,
JW`s do not engage in supporting a nation in war because we only have allegiance to one govt./King under Christ Jesus.And you cannot serve two masters
Jehovahs Witnesses are neutral to the affairs of the politics of the nations because jesus is our king and we owe our allegiance to him alone.
On the other hand it has been stated in WT publications during this time that if a JW household was targeted in a crime they have every and any means available to them to protect their family from harm ,in doing so they are not violating their neutrality as regards Govts or loyalty to Jesus kingship but simply protecting their family from homegrown violence.or crime.
In other words if some criminal died invading a JW home in a home invasion he could very well be wihin his rights and no sanctions would be against him for protecting his family
And no law of the land would hold him accountable either.
justifiable homicide
So he`s not a pacifist.
1914 is the Key !
by Phizzy ini thought this deserved its own topic.
it is a thought that occurred to me as i read the wt rag that i took to be polite.. it is the public one about the 4 horseman, and it struck me that they are still 100% reliant on their false 1914 doctrine to hang everything on.. if 1914 is proved wrong, what can the credibility of their doomsday message hang on ?.
we all know how to disprove the old 2520 years nonsense, but they seem to at last be hiding that, and simply claiming that world events prove jesus slung the devil out of heaven in 1914.. so, what has that old devil done since 1914, 103 years ago ?.
Does the Bible " say" what it means ?
Does the Bible " mean" what it says.?
Their are just so many scriptures that are open to interpretation by "scholars " and is the reason we have something like 30-40,000 different Christian sects in the world today most of which claim to be the "true" religion.
Jehovahs Witnesses were not the only ones who thought God turned his attention to act out his plan in the late 1800`s .and none have ever been validated by God.
Lots of newbies posting! Welcome one and all!
by freddo inis there something going on in jaydub land that has brought this on?
hope so!.
Something is going on, I don't know if this has been mentioned on this Thread, but 20 left at once from a Congregation in the North of England,? it's on Facebook.
Hi Phizzy ,can you elaborate on that ? ( I`m not on FB ,refuse to go back on) it.Sounds like an amazing develpoment to have happened for that to have occurred.
20 leaving in one congregation at the same time just seems mind me. -
(Young) Personal Experience of Leaving JW as a Baptised Brother
by hongkong123 ini was a baptised brother born in a jw family with my dad as the elder.
i left (or fade) a year ago and i am still a student studying in college.
i would like to post something here since i have quite a complicated feeling after a year out.
Welcome hongkong123,for a young person you have a mature insight ,stick around I`m sure many young ones and us "oldies" will benefit from your input in this forum,
Jehovahs Witness organization were never approved by Jesus Christ in 1919
by smiddy inaccording to jehovahs witness beliefs/doctrines , dont they acknowledge that the international bible students association , ibsa , were the ones with charles taze russell as the president as being the organization that jesus christ appointed over all his belongings and nominated them as the one true religion to dispense food at the proper time ?.
when joseph f rutherford took over the organization contrary to charles taze russells instructions regarding a successor did that negate the appointment that jesus christ gave ?
i think so .how about you.. and then changing the name that jesus christ gave his blessing to the ibsa for jehovahs witnesses under j.f.rutherford to change that name which was pre-christian and has no basis in the new testament which is all about witnessing acknowledgeing and highlighting the name of jesus above every other name as is stated time and time again in the christian greek scriptures,.
According to Jehovahs Witness beliefs/doctrines , dont they acknowledge that The International Bible Students association , IBSA , were the ones with Charles taze Russell as the president as being the organization that Jesus Christ appointed over all his belongings and nominated them as the One true Religion to dispense food at the proper time ?
When Joseph F Rutherford took over the organization contrary to Charles taze russells instructions regarding a successor did that negate the appointment that Jesus christ gave ? I think so .how about you.
and then changing the name that Jesus Christ gave his blessing to the IBSA for jehovahs Witnesses under J.F.Rutherford to change that name which was pre-Christian and has no basis in the New Testament which is all about witnessing acknowledgeing and highlighting the name of Jesus above every other name as is stated time and time again in the Christian Greek Scriptures,
Not forgetting the name of Jehovah is never mentioned in the word for word translation of the Christian greek scriptures the KI published by the WTB&TS. compared to about 30 times where the name Jesus Christ is highlighted and is to be witnessed about and his name is to be spread abroard.
And not one word about Jehovah
Doesnt this information negate any claim jehovahs Witnesses have on jesus Christ approving them in 1919 ?
Jehovahs Witnesses didnt exist then ,only the International Bible Students Association , IBSA
The Jehovahs witnesses are a completely seperate ,different organization than the International Bible Students Association.
Your thoughts ? please.
I appreciate "our" free speech.
by The Rebel ini had given serious consideration too leaving the board.
i rationalised my views on " muslims" we're not held by the majority so i should leave.
but this would have been wrong thinking, instead i should appreciate the platform i was given to debate with free speech.
Hey, The Rebel , I`m glad you had second thoughts about leaving this board .This is a discussion Board so we all have a right to our opinion even if its not appreciated by the majority on the board .
While by far the majority of us are ex-JW`s some have become atheists others have joined different churches and one or two or more have the jewish faith ( I dont think we have any muslims on this board )
Some topics emit a more emotional response than others.and I think we just have to accept and live with that and not take things personal after all the majority of us do not know who the hell we are anyway.
Breaking News, London: Van Ploughs into Pedestrians
by Simon in3 male passengers then get out and start stabbing / shooting people according to early reports.. but it could have been anyone for any reason, who knows, possibly jehovahs witnesses or amish.. maybe we'll never know the reason but i'm sure there will be people praying for those involved and hashtags.. thus solving the problem once and for all.. just "life in a big city" according to the muslim mayor of london, sadiq khan..
Are you missing the point here The Rebel ? or am I ?
The way I see it its not the Muslims who are staging the "fake" protest thats in question its the Journalists TV crews of CNN who have staged this "protest" to gain ratings in their news segments.
So its not Muslims per se we are outraged about though they may have been implicit, its the CNN`s news team that should hold their head in shame for staging this farce.
Just saying.
Police cordon around Honiton's Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses after fatal stabbing
by ShirleyW inhey uk folks, what's going with this story?
was it an unbelieving mate that attacked and elder or something?.
No more news about this crime ? Anybody from the UK ?