Thank you OrphanCrow for that link it answeres a few of my questions .
Posts by smiddy
info needed on Mexico Scandal regarding KH's meetings with no prayers etc - Thanks.
trying to find info on the scandal involving mexican congregations not having prayers and singing at the meetings.. i have found some info on jw facts but would like more if anyone knows of a good website to look at.. watchtower observer had some info before but that website is long gone.. any help would be much appreciated.. thanks wgo..
Bible on cassette
by road to nowhere inone thing that i questioned years ago was the release of bible reading so you could listen.
then when we finally got a tape it was in a thick german accent.
so much for getting the meaning of it..
What's wrong with Dutch? Germans speak German. The Dutch speak Dutch.
(Duch speaking) Gorby
Bible is written in double dutch
Dont take offence Gorby , (or my dutch friends on here if I have any after this ) It`s an Australian expression for talking utter rubbish or gibberish
I`m not sure where or when this expression originated from ,I`ll have to google it.
Do you think the general public cares about former Jehovah's witnesses?
by Christian Gutierrez ini was wondering if you guys think if the general public cares about our stories or if they even care what the watchtower does to people??
The general public dont care about active Jehovahs Witnesses , so why would they care about former Jehovahs Witnesses.?
If you did a survey of all the people in the street where you live and asked them the question ",What do you know about the beliefs of Jehovahs Witnesses ?"
The answers you would recieve are most likely : 1.Idont give a f***k what they believe 2.they dont believe in blood transfusions 3.They dont go to war . 4 They wont salute the flag. 5.They are collecting money selling the Watchtower and Awake magazines for their religion.
Not one of them in a thousand ,I believe , would answer : They are Advertising Gods Kingdom of a Thousand Year Reign Under Christ Jesus .
This despite the fact that they have been preaching this message for approximately 120 years going from door to door.
That is the long answer to your question
The short answer to your question is NO
What Happens If the JW Beard Policy Stumbles a Person
by Cold Steel insome of the videos on youtube really make the beard policy look ridiculous.
i wondered what would happen if the jw beard policy caused someone to stumble?
jesus most likely wore a beard, and charles taze russell had a beard.
Jehovahs Witnesses claim they are Bible based ,their stance on beards proves they are not .
All of Jehovahs servants (male) had beards and it was mandated in scripture.
The founder of the International Bible Students Association (IBSA) Charles Taze Russell sported a beard the pre-cursor to the Jehovahs Witness religion as we know it today.
“Tree of good and bad” means what?
by venus inif “tree of good and bad” were literal, it would mean adam and eve would know what is “good and bad” only after eating of that tree.
however, even before eating of it, they would think “it is good for us to eat of this tree” which means they are already endowed knowledge of “good and bad.” that means “tree of good and bad” is symbolic of something.. since religious organizations interpret this differently, each reader has to adopt his own conclusion.
for me it looks like this: one thinks of good and bad in relation to himself—if something is beneficial for him he would say it is good for him, and bad for him if it is not beneficial.
"Eve was seduced by the serpent" the reason she disregarded Adams counsel on eating the forbidden fruit.
Maybe it was really because the "serpent" ( Satan) was a bigger dick than Adam
Just saying.
Kushner paid over 1 billion to WTBTS SO FAR
by nonjwspouse inin the past few years, kushner cos. and various investment partners have paid the watchtower more than $1 billion for property in brooklyn heights and dumbo.. and there's still more.....
yet the r&f can't seem to find the presence of logical mind to question where all that money is spent, when members are struggling financially and continuously asked for more, while being chastised for higher education and holding jobs that might interfere with pioneering.
ugh .
I do not contribute one more red cent than what's reasonable.
Same for KH contributions. I calculate # of publishers and monthly expenses, then contribute just enough to cover the bills if all pubs contributed the same amount.
I am gobsmacked by your admission doubtfully Yours.?
You have been on this site 14 years ? or theirabouts ? and you still give money/contributions to the Jehovahs Witness religion ?
I`m confused ,why would you do that ,do you believe they have the true religion ?
do you believe they are a false ? cult religion misleading people.
Why i am confused is why you would be on this forum for 14 years yet still be financing the WTB&TS when this forum is all about exposing the Jehovahs Witness religion as a fraud /cult religion
How do you rationalise the two ?
2017 International Regional Convention, Toronto – Entertainment at Sony Centre
by SAHS ini’ve been hearing from several very reliable sources that there will be an exclusive elite gala entertainment event hosted by the watch tower organization, featuring specially chosen jehovah’s witnesses of outstanding talent as well as spiritual reputation, at the sony centre (formerly called the o’keefe centre) in toronto, ontario (canada) as a special “after hours” addition to the 2017 special international convention.. those chosen have to meet very strict criteria, including, not so much technical and popular talents, but, rather, their spiritual maturity which can be easily and practically related to by the audience (i.e., degree of conformity – you know what i mean!).
a notable and very well-known professional “super star” from some other country (i don’t know which one) who has achieved highly recognized and popular talent was surprisingly not chosen to participate in the extra entertainment program, whereas other performers with rather ho-hum musical abilities ended up being selected, ostensibly for their altruistic and “theocratic” qualities.
(something tells me that there is going to be some jealousy and indignant, hard feelings over this rather authoritarian, arbitrary selection process.
The mind boggles
what more can one say
Brussels Central station was evacuated Tuesday amid reports of an explosion and at least one man shot who shouted "Allahu Akbar,"
by freemindfade init looks like these attacks in europe are going from weekly, to daily, it literally gives me chills to think about traveling to europe with my family.
that is very unfortunate.
I just dont understand where your coming from ,I dont condone terrorism in any form
.it comes from sustained reflection on hatred........ WTF does that even mean ?
Do you believe Muslims have a right to commit these atrcocities against civillians in the western world in the first place ?
None of the coalition of nations fighting the ISIS/Taliban scourge have ever gone out with the intention of targeting Muslim civillians and committing atrocities against them anywhere in the world and certainly not Islam/Muslim nations.
Brussels Central station was evacuated Tuesday amid reports of an explosion and at least one man shot who shouted "Allahu Akbar,"
by freemindfade init looks like these attacks in europe are going from weekly, to daily, it literally gives me chills to think about traveling to europe with my family.
that is very unfortunate.
The more we see Muslim extremists carry out these attacks the more we are going to see a retalliation from people who are getting fed up with Muslim apologists denying it has anything to do with the Muslim/Islam religion. and are going for a tit for tat strategy.
You attack us ? on our home ground then we will attack you on your home ground.
Its not rocket science its just human nature.