I dont think Russia is a good example of any Nation banning anyone....,period.
Its not exactly a free democratic nation with freedoms the west still enjoy. It has its "freedom" problems still.
Didnt Vin Toole under oath ( a JW himself , Legal representive ) state something to the effect that "shunning was something he has heard about but didnt know what it meant ?"
Under oath mind you at the ARC into Child sexual Abuse in Institutions.in Australia.
How do these lying S.O.B.`s get away with what they do under oath in a governmental inquiry sanctioned by the Government.?
Isnt it giving the finger up the ass of the government and getting off scot free ?
They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
However religions seem to be given a get out of jail free card ,whereas "normal " citizens feel the full force of the law.