I thought it was a personal relationship that one was to strive for with Jehovah, not a collective one. Ugh,
So true dubstepped , and as others have said it is such stupid reasoning.
hiding the sin is unloving because it harms both the sinner and others. How? Jehovah might stop blessing the congregation with his holy spirit, and the congregation would not have peace.
Their must be a helluva lot of secret sinners in the congregations of JW`s in the western world where amalgamations ,selling off KH`s ,stagnant growth,closing down Bethels,laying off bethelites ,trimming CO`s and DO`s down in size,plus contributions are now on the slide.
Also their is a definite lack of zeal in the attitude of the average publisher nowadays always looking for an easy way of witnessing to people ,rather letting the people come to them as in cart witnessing.
Lets face it D2D witnessing is non effective nowadays and cart witnessing is even less effective.
The writing is on the wall for the JW religion to fade into obscurity as a fringe religious sect. more so than they are now.