I believe steve2 has summed this thread up quite nicely and other posters have offered good counsel .As steve 2 said maybe terry is new to his proffession or young and naive or just doesnt have a clue about JW beliefs .
Which I might add would have been well covered in the preceeding threads
Terry Clees you no doubt had good intentions with your post however the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses are not your average Christian Religion they are a high mind control cult that views all other christian Religions as Apostate /Babylon The Great The World Empire Of False Religion that Jehovah is going to destroy at Armageddon being the most reprehensible of false religion with their claim of representing Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and then there giving support to the United Nations Organization the counterfeit Kingdom Of God on Earth as opposed to Jesus Christs Heavenly Kingdom as prophesised in the Bible.
Thats what they believe. so they will not entertain interfaith of any sort.