Happy birthday Lifes Not Over ( until the fat lady sings ) apologies to all fat ladies who cant sing.
Well you have nade 3 score + 10 plus one lets hope you can enjoy many more years in freedom from the borg
many of you don't know me or won't remember me.
i left the jw's and my husband and my home last september - forging a new life in a new town.
i haven't posted here for many months, but have been reading most days.
i just learned that the word "trumpery" actually exists.
interesting definition:.
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
Does this make any sense whatsoever ? Isnt Jesus Christ the King ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?
Is he not up for the job? What imperfect leader of any Nation in the world has ever needed so many hangers on ?
The WT excuse from years ago said something to the effect that the 144000 being human would more understand the needs and concerns of those on earth ? Jesus living as a human for 33 years wouldnt ?
So these 144000 are going to rule with Jesus Christ as Kings and priests for a thousand years Rev.20:6
So are we to understand that the 4000 years of Jehovah God dealing with his people the Israelites was a failure ?
(maybe because he didnt have 144000 humans to help him ?)
What are your thoughts about this question ?
what i sense from the conversations of my family members and relatives who are jws is that at least some jws are not as zealous before with regard to the major subjects such as “sanctification of god’s name,” “vindication of his sovereignty” etc.
they begin to feel that such subjects are imaginary issues.. this is a good sign.
it shows people are worried about their own day-to-day worries.
brenda thornlow, author of 'my short-lived life at being perfect', named as winner in '50 great writers you should be reading' book awards.
posted: jan 19, 2017 2:29 am cst .
Thanks barbara its good that books like this are getting out in the general public and the author is getting an award for her work .
Its the wider community that needs to be informed just how cultish this religion is and is in no way is to be considered another mainstream christian religion.
And thanks to you brenda Thornlow for publishing your life experience .
i've been thinking about this for a while.. did jesus diee on a cross?
does it really matter?
it doesn't change anything that i can see.. is god a trinity?
on the front of the 2016 year book it says that the watchtower is spending $200 million us dollars a year on special pioners etc if they get $1 billion us dollars from selling all the buildings at bethel in new york by my mats that gives them another five years or so.what might happen after that ????
we haven't heard much recently about india.
whats the current situation over there?
Never mind about the population of India not hearing or knowing the Kingdom message being preached by Jehovahs Witnesses .
I would guarantee 99.9% of householders in the western / Free World have never heard of the "Kingdom Message" delivered by Jehovahs Witnesses , why ?
Simply because that is not the primary message preached by Jehovahs Witnesses certainly not in the 33 years that I went from door to door.
What about you ?
What were the campaigns you participated in ,? The watchtower ,The Awake ,The NWT of the Bible ? this book or that book all to do with WT publications that would have been like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the kingdom message inside those publications.
Test yourself either mentally or physically : Wherever you live go D2D around the block and ask the householder what they know about Jehovahs Witness beliefs.
All you will get is : They dont believe in blood transfusions Maybe you will get they dont vote ,or they dont go to war And thats about it .
Even though JW`s have been going from D2D for over 100 years that is all you will hear from householders.
No one will tell you:
" they believe Christ Jesus is to reign over the Earth for a thousand years and a paradise for mankind."
That is one of the final reasons I walked away.
8 months df'd.
loving a life of freedom.
however, my family are all shunning me.
Its very hard for me to comprehend how a mother or father can disown their own child because of religious differences or for that matter children disowning their own parents for the same reasons.
Any religion that has this policy and condones this type of behaviour from its members should be named and shamed at every opportunity.
Its nothing short of a disgusting policy and practice to be associated with any religion.
My heart goes out to you pale emperor for having to go through this cruelty.
maybe this will become a new catch phrase describing the type of people that the governing body loves to have in their organization and that they create if they're born ins.. broke......dumb......& stupid.
let me explain:.
broke: the gb keeps their members in poverty by condemning higher education and demanding that all their time should be spent peddling the wt propaganda and going to all the meetings.
Mum , I think we could also use the" man with the writers inkhorn" to describe whats happening in the" Borg" the disenfranchised unloved psychologically harmed and otherwise rejected are the ones that are finally seeing the JW religion for what it truly is a cultish man made religion and leaving it in droves.
Its heartening to see so many waking up and getting out of her.