Is it just me or do I have a blind spot .
Have they failed to state the date of the 2017 Memorial ?
They give the date for 2018 and 2019 but not the date for 2017 . LOL
february 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: memorial and special talk.
Is it just me or do I have a blind spot .
Have they failed to state the date of the 2017 Memorial ?
They give the date for 2018 and 2019 but not the date for 2017 . LOL
my wife was talking to her sister today and apparently our adult niece who has cancer is not doing to well lately and it doesnt look good for the future.. i cant say we ever had a very close relationship with her but when we did see her she was very affecionate and just a very loving girl with a great personality .. she was never a jw and we lived in different states but from time to time we crossed paths with each other at family reunions etc and sometimes funerals and weddings.. when it hits close to home thats when you feel it.. no doubt many of you have gone through similar experiences yourselves , this same sister my wife talked to lost her 14 year old son to cancer many years ago and i being a new convert tried to comfort her with scriptures .. dickhead that i was then ..
My wife was talking to her sister today and apparently our adult niece who has cancer is not doing to well lately and it doesnt look good for the future.
I cant say we ever had a very close relationship with her but when we did see her she was very affecionate and just a very loving girl with a great personality .
She was never a JW and we lived in different states but from time to time we crossed paths with each other at family reunions etc and sometimes funerals and weddings.
When it hits close to home thats when you feel it.
No doubt many of you have gone through similar experiences yourselves , this same sister my wife talked to lost her 14 year old son to cancer many years ago and I being a new convert tried to comfort her with scriptures .
Dickhead that I was then .
my mother wanted me to know that the co gave a talk that kinda-sorta reprimanded an elder in her hall.
he is not the reason i left at all, and this does not address anything to do with me or our family.. my mother-in-law sent me texts which i ignored and now she has sent a picture to my wife on facebook just for me, and it's a prodigal son meme that says, "you see the signs, come back it's not too late".. yeah, it's not too late to accept a global flood in 2370 bce, or that man was created in 4026 bce from a golem spell, or that an us-and-them cult mentality is at all healthy or loving, or that religion is going to be banned by the un, or that i should expect anyone else at the door to accept these stupid ideas in the information age.. what am i supposed to say?
i usually just ignore them, but before i do that, i see that shit and i storm into this weird internalized rage where i start writing a response and deleting it.
Village Idiot
Are you for real ? did you really do that ? Well that would have been a memmorial I would have liked to have been there LOL
You must have been young a teenager no doubt.?
I did witness a young teenager give the finger to the whole congregation at one meeting I attended one of the exits was at the front side of the hall and as he went out he made sure everyone saw his gesture during the meeting.
attendance: 1,2037 cost: approximately $12,000 baptised: 2 born ins.
They expected me to pay the brother who performed the wedding at the KH but because it was impressed upon me how JW`s were so different from christendomd who did charge for weddings I never gave him anything
My wife and I were only relatively new converts 14 months approx. baptised before our wedding at a KH.
I sometimes feel a little bit guilty about that now when I think of it , what a cheapskate I was .then I think no bugger it , it was the principle of the thing. They dont charge for weddings,
news bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
Just wondering would the ARC take this case " Fessler V Watchtower" into consideration in their proceedings ? Does whatever happen in other parts of the world going to influence the Australian investigation? Would they be looking at how the Jehovahs Witness religion handles Child sexual abuse cases around the world ?
I think it would be excellent if they did ....but I just dont think so .
Maybe its just wishful thinking.
news bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
My understanding when I was a JW was that we didnt have a clergy / laity class .I dont think that has ever changed ?
On the other hand every baptised JW is recognised by the organization as a minister of religion regardless of how young they may be .( A 10 year old baptised child is a minister of religion ? )
In a court case in latrobe valley/Morwell Vic.Aust. they claimed JW`s were not employees of the WTB&TS they were only volunteers ,so the organisation had no responsability for their actions.
Yet when it suits them in a court of law they claim Clergy penitent privilege...How does that work ?
JW`s speak out of both sides of their mouth , they speak with a forked tongue.
Its rationalised as being a tactic of Theocratic Warfare dont let your "enemys" know the truth.
Its justifiable lying to authorities who are regarded as being in the power of the wicked one Satan the Devil .
using the scriptures 2Cor.4:4 ....1Joh.5:19
When you started this site brother Simon as a pro. Johvah did the GB have a direction then not to start such sites ? were you even a little bit rebellious even then ? How about sister Ang ? was she complicit in this innocent rebellion also ? LOL
Their is a worldwide group of ex JW`s that can thank the Spahgetti Monster that you did anyway.
"catastrophic" is the highest level of fire danger and is current in most of nsw.
temperatures in the high 40's ( c )are being recorded.. some fires have broken out already.
please keep the fire fighters and these country folk in minds and prayers.. the city of sydney may face power outs as the electrical system cant keep up with the demand for power.
Whenever I see fires like this whether they be in Australia California Or Spain or anywhere else on the earth apart from the human loss that can and does occur which does distress me as much as anyone else I am also appalled by the loss of wildlife that must be taken in these fires it must be enormous .
If I could i would now have provided the photo of the fireman giving a Koala a drink of water out of a bottle.
my mother wanted me to know that the co gave a talk that kinda-sorta reprimanded an elder in her hall.
he is not the reason i left at all, and this does not address anything to do with me or our family.. my mother-in-law sent me texts which i ignored and now she has sent a picture to my wife on facebook just for me, and it's a prodigal son meme that says, "you see the signs, come back it's not too late".. yeah, it's not too late to accept a global flood in 2370 bce, or that man was created in 4026 bce from a golem spell, or that an us-and-them cult mentality is at all healthy or loving, or that religion is going to be banned by the un, or that i should expect anyone else at the door to accept these stupid ideas in the information age.. what am i supposed to say?
i usually just ignore them, but before i do that, i see that shit and i storm into this weird internalized rage where i start writing a response and deleting it.
Thats what every Jehovahs Witness should do at the end of a Watchtower Study
Stand up and say " I`m as mad as hell and I cant take this shit anymore " then walk out and never go back again.
first, i've been out of the organization for 20 years this very year!
i was baptized in 1979 and attended one of the lancaster ohio congregations.
realizing i was gay, i left and after being in the columbus gay community for 6 months, decided bar hopping and cruising was not my cup o' tea.i decided to return in late '90 and was reinstated in '91.
Welcome larry stick around this is an informative sometimes very funny forum