I have signed this petition
Posts by smiddy
AUSTRALIA - Petition to Cancel the Charity Status of Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses
by jwleaks ina petition has been launched in australia to coincide with the child abuse royal commission's adverse findings against watchtower and jehovah's witnesses.
the petition is to the australian charities and not-for-profit commission to cancel their charity status.. https://www.change.org/p/australian-charities-and-not-for-profit-commission-acnc-cancel-the-watchtower-bible-and-tract-society-s-charity-status.
Follow up: the baby did not survive
by Captain Schmideo2 init was always a long shot anyway.
but, after a week of emotional pain for the mom, and extreme physical pain for a helpless infant, the baby's body finally succumbed.. all those prayers from the parents, from family, from friends, were absolutely worthless.
that is a deity for ya!
My thoughts are with you Capt.Schmideo2, its frustrating I know.
Take care.
Follow up: the baby did not survive
by Captain Schmideo2 init was always a long shot anyway.
but, after a week of emotional pain for the mom, and extreme physical pain for a helpless infant, the baby's body finally succumbed.. all those prayers from the parents, from family, from friends, were absolutely worthless.
that is a deity for ya!
People who pray are very superstitious to think their prayers are going to be answered and when their not make all exuses and justifications for why it wasnt answered
When people pray and what they pray for does come about its an evidence that God hears their prayers and acts upon them ,and when prayers are not answered the excuses are numerous. Its Gods will ,he wanted another Angel ,Gods ways are higher than ours.etc.,etc.,
How presumptious of them to think that way
.A prayer is like flipping a coin their are only two options either it will be answered or it wont be answered It has nothing to do with a GOD who answers it or does not answers it.
Any atheists here? Have you come to terms with your new reality?
by kpop inalone, without my safety net of "god" being there to remember me when i die.
after much consideration, examining science, history and using logic, i have come to the conclusion that there is no "god" at least certainly no loving, personal "god.
" shortly before my final conclusion was reached, i read an excerpt from an expression attributed to marcus aurelius, .
In answer to the OP ?
Is Jehovah God guilty of the Sin of Omission ?
by smiddy inin genesis ch.1&2 god warns adam that if he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and bad he would die .theire was nothing said about anything else.. you would expect humans would just die of old age like adam and eve did.. the wages of sin is death the bible tells us .so if he disobeyed jehovah god he knew he would die .. what he never knew and neither did any other human to come after him was just how many ways death would come to humans.. death by creatures that were created by god venomous creatures ,snakes spiders etc.,marine creatures sharks etc., bacteria /viruses etc.,insect carrying diseases such as the mosquito that causes thousands of deaths to children under 5 years old even today with malaria.,wild animals etc,.leprosy that even existed under theocratic rule in the nation of israel.. then their is the indignties humans go through in old age ,loss of bodily functions , mental capacity ,alzheimers ,neurological diseases that effect young and old.that reduce people to almost live not much better than a vegetable .
natural disasters not to be excluded because these are in the control of god to afflict mankind or not.. the list of afflictions that humans have to suffer through before they die , from a loving god just boggles my mind.. and i have only scratched the surface of indignities humans have faced before they die.. so i ask the question is god jehovah guilty of the sin of omission ?
or did he act out of vengeance for their disobedience and wanted to inflict greater punishment upon them.for disobeying him.. what are your thoughts ?.
Thats a good point Finkelstein , so true.
If you had the opportunity to create religious doctrine from scratch,what rule would your church or nation have?
by Chook inwould you teach a heaven , hell, jesus , paradise.
what rule structure for discipline ect ,ect,.
I would have ten Commandments .
1. Do not follow an imaginary God
2.Shed your superstitions that a GOD exists .
3.You do not have to follow anybody.
4.Their is no priesthood or clergy class
5.Follow your dreams and aspirations.
6. Live life to the full .
7. Be theire for friend and neighbour
8.Dont think too much of yourself
9.Be forgiving
10.Be honest and true to yourself
Picture worth 1000 words
by ILoveTTATT2 in(matthew 25:41-46) 41 “then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
42 for i became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and i got thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink.
43 i was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.’ 44 then they also will answer with the words, ‘lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45 then he will answer them with the words, ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46 and these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”.
That is CLASSIC ,
Gods greatest Gift ? ignore the plight of the homeless /destitute /beggar , we want people who can donate to our cause and promote our Kingdom interests , stuff those who cant /wont help themselves , he`s got no money, so no value to us ,we just refuse to see him..
Is Jehovah God guilty of the Sin of Omission ?
by smiddy inin genesis ch.1&2 god warns adam that if he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and bad he would die .theire was nothing said about anything else.. you would expect humans would just die of old age like adam and eve did.. the wages of sin is death the bible tells us .so if he disobeyed jehovah god he knew he would die .. what he never knew and neither did any other human to come after him was just how many ways death would come to humans.. death by creatures that were created by god venomous creatures ,snakes spiders etc.,marine creatures sharks etc., bacteria /viruses etc.,insect carrying diseases such as the mosquito that causes thousands of deaths to children under 5 years old even today with malaria.,wild animals etc,.leprosy that even existed under theocratic rule in the nation of israel.. then their is the indignties humans go through in old age ,loss of bodily functions , mental capacity ,alzheimers ,neurological diseases that effect young and old.that reduce people to almost live not much better than a vegetable .
natural disasters not to be excluded because these are in the control of god to afflict mankind or not.. the list of afflictions that humans have to suffer through before they die , from a loving god just boggles my mind.. and i have only scratched the surface of indignities humans have faced before they die.. so i ask the question is god jehovah guilty of the sin of omission ?
or did he act out of vengeance for their disobedience and wanted to inflict greater punishment upon them.for disobeying him.. what are your thoughts ?.
In Genesis Ch.1&2 God warns Adam that if he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and bad he would die .Theire was nothing said about anything else.
You would expect humans would just die of old age like Adam and Eve did.
The wages of sin is death the Bible tells us .So if he disobeyed Jehovah God he knew he would die .
What he never knew and neither did any other human to come after him was just how many ways death would come to humans.
Death by creatures that were created by GOD venomous creatures ,snakes spiders etc.,Marine creatures sharks etc., Bacteria /viruses etc.,Insect carrying diseases such as the mosquito that causes thousands of deaths to children under 5 years old even today with Malaria.,Wild animals etc,.Leprosy that even existed under Theocratic rule in the Nation of Israel.
Then their is the indignties humans go through in old age ,loss of bodily functions , mental capacity ,alzheimers ,neurological diseases that effect young and old.that reduce people to almost live not much better than a vegetable
Natural disasters not to be excluded because these are in the control of GOD to afflict mankind or not.
The list of afflictions that humans have to suffer through before they die , from a loving GOD just boggles my mind.
And I have only scratched the surface of indignities humans have faced before they die.
So I ask the question is GOD Jehovah guilty of the sin of omission ? Or did he act out of vengeance for their disobedience and wanted to inflict greater punishment upon them.for disobeying him.
What are your thoughts ?
Doctors visit for postrate
by smiddy inmy friend related to me that when he went for a check up at the doctors he was advised to get his prostate checked at first he baulked at that prospect thinking no man is going to put his finger up where the sun dont shine,.
his doctor reasoned with him that it is better for him to find out if something is wrong early because it can be dealt with a good chance of recovery however leave it too late and it can be fatal.. my friend being convinced agrees to the examination .. doctor : drop your dacks get up on the examination table and assume the position where i can examine you.. my friend : turns his head round to the doctor and asks doc why are you using two fingers ?.
the doctor replies ,i want to get a second opinion ..
My friend related to me that when he went for a check up at the doctors he was advised to get his prostate checked at first he baulked at that prospect thinking no man is going to put his finger up where the sun dont shine,
His doctor reasoned with him that it is better for him to find out if something is wrong early because it can be dealt with a good chance of recovery however leave it too late and it can be fatal.
My friend being convinced agrees to the examination .
Doctor : drop your dacks get up on the examination table and assume the position where I can examine you.
My friend : turns his head round to the doctor and asks doc why are you using two fingers ?
The doctor replies ,I want to get a second opinion .
What not to say...
by joey jojo inhey guys.
i was recently talking to a old friend who is a very active elder.
i was talking about ' the truth' and he suggested i sounded like an apostate because i used terms like ' the society' and ' watchtower '.. i am aware that ' dubspeak ' has changed over the years and i am pretty sure that someone posted about it here but i can't find the thread.