I hope the ARC see`s this video and takes it into consideration .
Anybody with the knowhow to do it ?
i just watched this lovely lady's heartfelt message to the governing body.
i hope that the men she named and all lurkers who have some clout at bethel listen to this message and stop this cruel and divisive shunning policy that has ruined so many family's around the world.
this is just one voice of many many people who feel this way about your (governing body) destructive policy.
I hope the ARC see`s this video and takes it into consideration .
Anybody with the knowhow to do it ?
i often wonder if the current crop of witnesses, especially the youth and younger ones simply don't care about facts?.
i mean for some, even with knowledge of the past scandals, misleading teachings, mistruths, etc etc, they simply don't care.
"it is the truth after all".. they are so intertwined in the operations and activities of the society, that they cant see anything outside of it.
I`m not even sure a JW knows what a fact is ,it doesnt seem to be in their vocabulary .
i left school at 16, because i was studying and getting the best " university education" in the world.
how did the theocratic ministry school benefit you?.
Although published somewhat before my entry into Watchtower World, I did enjoy the "scholarly" layout of Equipped for Every Good Work.
The older publications had a level of gravitas that has gone missing, incrementally, from later WT works.
I totally agree with you CoCo
And this is going back to the fifties and sixties ,and it has been downhill all the way since then .
The negatives against getting higher education for Jehovahs Witnesses has certainly produced fruitage .that does not bode well for the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses .
The dumned down Watchtower and Awake publications ,the inferior paper it is printed on ? the reduced size down to half its original size doesnt look good it is an indication of the business going out of existence..
an old jw friend of my wife stopped by here in fla. i knew there would be some subliminal bs.
i had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial?
" this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial?"
I heard this same spiel over 50 years ago nothing has changed except the new gullible.believers.
yesterday i stopped at a local shopping center to pick up a few things.
i arrived at 9:45 am and two jw ladies had already set up their literature trolley and had opened for business.
but i didn't see anyone stopping by and taking advantage of their free literature.
I dont see any JW carts in my neck of the woods ,I live in a seaside town of about 6000 people and one congregation of JW`s with possibly 60-80 publishers from surrounding areas if that and mostly old folk.
Welcome S K Ditta , when i first saw your name tag I thought you were a St Kilda supporter LOL oh well my bad.
Aussies will understand that misconception.
Its always good to get anothers perspective of things,
Take care.
we have been taught that the name jehovah means “he causes to become.” it is interpreted that he causes himself to become whatever needed to accomplish his will—as happened in the case israelites to whom he “caused himself to become” a savior leading them from slavery in egypt.. but there is a problem with this definition.
nobody would use the phrase “cause to become” with regard to himself.
one may say: “i helped him,” (but he won’t say: “i caused myself to become a helper to him.”) “causing myself to become a helper to another person” obviously implies helping nature comes with effort as though it is not in my nature.
Up until the thirteenth century christians only knew Gods name by the four consonants of the hebrew letters known as the tetragramaton translated as JHVH or later as YHWH in english. commonly put as LORD in capital letters.
As most people are aware here it was a Spanish Catholic monk of the 13th century who coined the name Jehovah for the first time.,and as other people have rightly pointed out on this board Yahweh is probably the more accurate name and pronunciation.
obviously, trump doesn't.
but do you?
do you think that they are generally fair, unbiased and honest?.
News media today is not so much about facts or truth as it is about ratings.And entertainment mixed with news will gaurantee ratings.
Ratings are what newspapers consider the bottom line..
And are facts and truth the bottom line ? No.
The bottom line is entertainment ,what is going to entertain the public mixing that with a news item.
How can we blend the two.News and Entertainment. that is what will give us an edge over our competitors .
So do I trust the news media ? only with a grain of salt .They all have their own agenda.
in my case; 27 years.
7 of which were as a ministerial serpent ... sorry, i mean 'servant' ;).
From my conversion at 19 ,i was a captive for 33 years and have now been out 20+ years.
How come Jesus Christ only spent about 3 years in the ministry ,whereas most of us have spent the best years of our life in what we were led to believe was a life saving ministry.
Jehovah God ? YOU OWE ME
i'm currently disfellowshipped and living at home with my parents, but because they are both still devout jws i have to keep going to the meetings and crap because i don't want to risk getting thrown out until i finish college or find a job that will let me support myself and go to college.. yesterday, my mother rode with me to the meeting and told me how much my best friend and my oldest sister are missing me, and it just tears me apart because during the meeting i was practically counting the minutes till it was over.
it didn't help matters that i had to sit with my family because the library was closed off, thus forcing me to follow along with the meeting on my tablet instead of reading something useful or interesting like i normally do.. when i got home i just cried out in frustration because it feels like no matter what i do, i am making the wrong choice.
either i have to keep pretending to support an organization that has caused so much pain to so many people, or i have to abandon my family and friends to it so i can save myself.
These are words of a thinking person with constructive thoughts.
I agree ,you have a head on your shoulders and you should be OK in whatever decision you go with .
I wish you well in whatever your plan is so long as you dont do anything stupid LOL
Just take care