An old JW friend of my wife stopped by here in Fla. I knew there would be some subliminal BS. I had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial? Gag. I wanted to say I have better wine and crackers here at home. My wife just would brush on past the dropped not so latent hints.
Old JW friend of my wife stoped by.
by dogon 16 Replies latest jw experiences
skip the crackers and have a good steak and your favorite sides.
" this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial?"
I heard this same spiel over 50 years ago nothing has changed except the new gullible.believers.
103 years past 1914.
42 years past 1975.
Nearly 2000 years since the birth and death of Christ.
Any days now...
I had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial?
You should have told your old friend that ancient mythology isn't real its fiction and that's what you don't believe its something you know.
The WTS has been marketing the end of the world for over 140 years and nothing has happened yet , but then again the people who started this religoius publishing house weren't the brightest bulbs in the package.
I know. One thing I have learned over the years is its a waste of time to even argue with a JW. You will never get them to even for one second think on it. They will only get upset. So best thing in this situation is to ignore it and let if fall in closed ears. I just go to my happy place. LOL. What gets me is that they really think they have such a strong position that they can just sway you by their emotional bull shit. This is why I have nothing to do with my family who is still in the cult. They are so brain washed its sick. I was sick of hearing end of the world in 1995 when that bull shit explanation of generation came out. That was the straw the broke the camels back for me. For years before 95 I was getting skeptical. How long can you say the people who saw 1914 would see the end. I saw it was not possible to keep that line of bull shit up long. Then 95 and that crazy bull shit definition of generation and it was OK now your just pissing in my ear and telling me its raining. Goodby WTBTS and I have never given leaving a second thought. Well only that I should have done it year many years before.
Attending the memorial says that you still believe that the Society is somehow correct....
I know , many of my family who did not attend meetings thought that by attending memorial once a year would get them in good when the big A came.
compound complex
During one of the last meetings I attended, "Andre" was mentioned in the talk. Afterwards, a brother and I talked, and he referred to the time being so short. No connection, I guess, but a weird juxtaposition.
Andre, and his brother Andre, and his Uncle Andre, and . . . That name must have a very special spiritual significance.
I was wondering if she just wanted to count time. LOL