I cant speak for young people ,I didnt become a JW and begin praying to God until I was 19 .
I was a JW for 33 years many of which I served as a MS
Prayer was always a one way street , nobody was more devoted to the truth than I was as an active JW .
I believed it hook line and sinker ,to the point I am now ashamed to admit I would have let my children die for the blood doctrine .
And i still have difficulties coming to terms with that now .
Millions of Christians pray to GOD whether its Jehovah or Jesus and to my knoweldge no GOD has ever answered anyone personally these past 2000 years ,
And I think that would also apply also to non Christian religions and their Gods no God has ever spoken back to them.
Isnt that proof enough that you have been speaking to an invisible friend ?
An invisible friend that doesnt bother to communicate back to you ?
An invisible friend that doesnt exist ? only in your imagination ?