In the religious world Jehovahs Witnesses are nothing but a small sect that are nothing more than a curiosity with weired beliefs .
They are not newsworthy to the general public just a nuisance that knocks on your door at the most inopportune times trying to sell their religion.
Nobody cares about them. 8 million worldwide ? chickenfeed .And only been around for about 100 years .
The Catholic Church ?been around for 2 centuries with well over 1 billion believers worldwide ,thats newsworthy.
The media of today are not so much interested in news as they are in entertainment / ratings ,what is going to capture the most viewers /readers.and generate more profits to their organisation satisfying their shareholders.
No one is protecting the organisation
No Jehovah
No individuals
Its because jehovahs Witnesses are just another small religious sect of American origin started about 100 years ago that nobody cares about and they are not newsworthy.
Think about all the other sects that sprang up in America and elsewhere in the past 200 years how newsworthy are they ?
think about it.
Assemblys Of God,The Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints ,(Mormons ) Christian Scientists ,The Seventh day Adventists ,The Christadelphians ,The Exclusive Bretheren ,Scientology ,etc,etc.
And their are heaps more those are just a smidgeon of the better known ones.
In the main the general public do not care about them they are not newsworthy and neither are JW`s