Why are we more moral ? Because we dont commit incest and havent done so for thousands of years ,and we dont just send murderers away to a land of fugitives in exile .
Apparently their was a lot of immorality going on back then in cains day to have a land of fugitives.
Were the first family Adam and Eve and their offspring moral ? Of course not they practised incest for hundreds of years .
One of the first offspring of Adam and Eve namely Cain murdered his brother Abel ,was that a moral act ?
Lets not get started on the GOD these people worshipped designated by the 4 hebrew letters .
He was a bloodthirsty vindictive jealous war mongering GOD that was responsible for millions if not billions of deaths up until the end of the fourth century BCE.and then miracoulasly became the GOD of love wanting to save all mankind.,while for the next 2000 years he sits back and watches millions if not billions more die due to his indifference to their plight.
Why are we more moral ? because our intellect is not hampered by superstitious religious dogma of any persuasion