While Jehovahs witnesses like to highlight how many people attend the Memorial celebration ,what , something like 3 times the number of active JW`s ? worldwide ,the fact is the majority of those attending are sub-mariners they only come up once or twice a year ,probably 3 times at most. And that is not a good look for the GB.
These people are JW`s in name only
JW`s are no better than those in christendom who only attend Xmas , Easter celebrations .and are christian in name only.
Because of this reason I could see a change in the way the memorial is conducted .maybe they could have a video link of those "annointed" around the world who partake and the rest of JW`s around the world can observe it watching on a video stream on JW.Org from their own homes .
It wouldnt have to be visualised ,maybe audio /visual coverage even over a couple of days seeing the different time zones around the world.
And they can still blow their own trumpet by saying how many tuned in to JW.Org on memorial night.and how many partakers their were if they so desired .