Reasons Trump could be impeached.
If his popularity drops further because of his ignorance of world affairs, his inappropriate remarks and noticeable self dealings impact the ability of the GOP in the House and Senate to be reelected they may decide to impeach him. If the Dems regain the House they will move to impeach....if they also regain the Senate it's a done deal.
1. If New sexual assault charges come forward.
2. Article III Section 3 of the Constitution defines 'treason against the United States' as 'adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.' Evidence is mounting that Trump colluded with Russian operatives to win the 2016 presidential election."
3.Testifying falsely in a court of law.
4. Showing additional signs of mental illness.
5 Sharing classified information with his children.
6 The Emoluments Clause : If Trump and the Trump business are benefiting from certain self serving decisions Trump makes as President.