The thought that Elders dont speak confidential matters with their wives ? I almost choked in my beer.
OK ,some dont ,but I believe they are a minority.
the lot video shows what most elder’s offices are like.
actually it a pretty well-equipped one and with the video context is, without a doubt, org-approved.
but let’s face it.
The thought that Elders dont speak confidential matters with their wives ? I almost choked in my beer.
OK ,some dont ,but I believe they are a minority.
a recent comment in another thread inspired this one.. the comment concerned a family who owned a bakery and got counsel on the icing and cake decorations.. the cakes reflected the theme of worldly holidays of that time.. the family was told to sell the bakery.. then, we have the case of jalessa castillo, a young u.s. journalist who happens to also be a pioneer in a congregation.
she was covering religious topics (among other topics) and it seems that got stopped?.
at least when you look online now it is very hard to find her name in the byline of anything religious in nature.
We all know the obvious ones, such as being a policeman/woman
I personally knew two policemen who were JW`s and one was a motor-cycle cop.who carried a gun ,the other was re-assigned to desk work and he was an Elder in good standing.
this was back in the 70`s-80`s in Australia.
In an adjoining congregation was a self employed sign writer who was doing work for a butchers shop at Xmas and was harrassed by the Elders for doing Xmas decorations on the butcher shop window ,and was DF. for defending his position of being employed by them .
It was common knowledge back then if you were self employed as a tradesmen you would not do any work for any church organization .
As I said this was back in the 70`s-80`s.,how different it is today when the GB sell their properties to religious organizations for $$$$$$$$$$
i personally would like to see they get the very best but haven't a clue how to do it what are your benevolent words of wisdom, should a person do a deep research on his own a kind of self medication or should they brush up on some psychology,, who should they trust because after you leave you got big trust issues.. i don't know about you but to me it was a real shocker, i was totally into getting their worthless bull shit out of my head.
i choose the self medicate path and did as must research as time would allow,, science was a biggie for me, it was enjoyable learning to get so much bull shit out of my head..
Seriously: I think they just need to come here on this board ,you couldnt get more effective counsel more positive encouragement / feedback anywhere else but here.
The people on this board have been their done that and they have first hand experience of everything anybody has gone through .
I think ,what shrink ,pyschologist ,counsellor who has no experience / one on one with a Jehovahs Witness can possibly know what an ex JW is going through , only those who have been through this crap .
And they are all on this board .
Take advantage of them my friends,
if jehovahs witnesses are using the wrong name of god "jehovah" how would that affect your worship ?.
2. if yahweh is the more correct name of god of the bible how does that affect your worship ?.
3.jehovahs witnesses put great emphasis on gods name ,sanctifying it treating it as "holy" and that jehovahs witnesses are to make it known in all the earth .
1 . If Jehovahs witnesses ARE using the wrong name of God "Jehovah" how would that affect your worship ?
2. If Yahweh is the more correct name of God of the Bible how does that affect your worship ?
3.Jehovahs Witnesses put great emphasis on Gods name ,sanctifying it treating it as "Holy" and that jehovahs witnesses are to make it known in all the earth
,What if they have got the name wrong all of these years.?
4. What if they have had the name wrong for the past 100+ years.?
mine won't, and i have that on good and reliable second-hand authority.
maybe, third-hand .
We were told in the early sixties that our pre-school children would never have to go to high school .
My sons are now 55 and 49 respectively .
And of course my great grandchildren and even there great grandchidrens children will all go to school in this system of things.
Whatever government is in power at that time .
One thing is for sure it wont be a Theocratic Government. by Christ Jesus / Jehovah.
in part 3 of remember the wife of lot, prepubescent j.w.
kids are going to be shown something which demonstrates that the org condones watching disturbing horror content.
the "direction" the wtbts is taking is breathtaking.
Thats what its come down to in the JW religion ,scare the crap out of the young children with the consent of the JW parents so that they wont leave the religion as is obviously happening nowadays and their trying to put a brake on it.
maybe it's complete in light of this sundays wt study...“what you vow, pay”.
it is all about paying your vows and especially focuses on three types.. 1 your dedication vow (baptism).
2 your marriage vow.
However, I say to you: Do not swear at all, neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne;35nor by earth, for it is the footstool of his feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.36 Do not swear by your head, since you cannot turn one hair white or black.37 Just let your word ‘Yes’ mean yes, your ‘No,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.
I hope this is not off topic ,however ,
Isnt taking an oath on the Bible in a court of law,or a Governmental Royal Commission the same as swearing on the Bible ?
Geoffrey Jackson and an Elder were obviously not aware of that scripture .
this year’s “don’t give up” convention encourages theocratic welfare.
brother pioneer is doing a lot of carting and having trouble making ends meet.
his landlord doesn’t get it and decides to evict him and his wife.. .
Jehovahs Witnesses are trained to be parasites on society and sometimes these parasites turn on their own gullible members and fleece them also.
mine was to some random guy in uniform i saw on the street about two years ago.
even as a jw i knew that we had a lot of freedoms here in the us that were hard earned.
it felt really good to finally be able to say in person to someone when i i did..
I have never thanked anyone in person for the sevice they perform in protecting this country Australia ,however I have always been thankful ,even when I was a JW for the service they have performed in protecting the freedoms that we all enjoy today.
I always had a problem as a witness how it was OK for jehovahs chosen people to engage in warfare up to a certain point in history and then it was not acceptable.
I was always under the belief that Jehovah God was the same yesterday as he is today and will be the same tomorrow.
Jehovah God doesnt change ------Then in other scriptures he does change -----?
The jehovahs Witnesses would not have had the freedom to preach this past 100+ years if everybody practiced what they preach and opted for conscientious objection.
If germany under Nazism and Japan under Imperialism had won the war ,the witnesses would not have had the freedom to preach as they have today..
They should be thanking the service men and women themselves..( Jehovah God didnt interfere )
Thanks coded logic , I will be mindful of that when I see a service person.
A good post.
ok your bible study wants to get baptised.
make sure he is aware of what's involved.
here is a checklist.
nowwhat ? OK from about 1968-9 with the release of the book "Life Everlasting in The Freedom Of The Sons Of God " Armageddon was very close at hand 1975 or at the possibly latest 1980.
6000 years of human existence ended ? what an opportune time for Jesus to begin his 1000 yeare reign . Nothing happened.
When that didnt eventuate in the next decade it was more likely to occur before the next Century in other words before or at the year 2000 ,expectations arose as they have done often times in the past .
Nothing happened
So you would have to wonder why would anybody want to become a Jehovahs Witness with so many failures of prophecy they have.
Not to mention the ARC into Child Sexual Abuse that they have failed to address adequately and have over 1000 cases they failed to notify the respective authorities about..
Its all on record.