Yes phoebe ,it will get better as time moves on.but its really up to you.Educate yourself about the control JW`s have over people.and the fear hopelessness they instill in people always preying on the negatives in society and the vulnerable people to exploit them .
Jw`s always look for the negative things that happen in society to instill fear and hopelessnes ,never do they highlight the positive things that happen in society as that doesnt fit their agenda,
Did the fact that cain killed Abel prove the end was near ? What i am saying is you can look at any period in history of bad things happening and you could say the end must be near
Jehovahs witnesses have been milking this belief for over a hundred years and their interpretation of prophecy is still nowhere matched by world events .
Their claim : Religion will be done away with before the nations attack Jehovahs witnesses .
Is their any sign of that ? now or in the immediate future ? I dont think so. Think about it.