We all know about the" world famous" jehovahs witnesses who have had successfull careers in the sport and entertainment, and literature world ,and if your new to this board google it.
What about the young JW`s who see this and are told this is not for a JW ,its making a name for yourself where you should be highlighting Jehovahs name and his organization.
But do the young ones see the organization taking the successfull JW`s in their field to task for making a name for themselves ? No. Why not ?
If they can get away with it why cant they ? Iwant to be a world skater ?I want to be a 1st class footballer? I want to be a songwriter singer ,I want to be a first class tennis player . They all have the potential to be just that.
Yet the Governing Body ,the Elders will discourage them from taking that course.
Do the young ones /teenagers see the hypocricy of the GB denying them of their chance to make something of themselves in this world ?in the field that they excell in ?
And not speaking out about those who claim to be Jehovahs Witnesses and speaking to the media identyfying themselves as such ? who are successfull in their fields ? and they are not called out upon by the GB as not representing officially as one of Jehovahs witnesses.
Why dont they do that .?