maybe i`m getting too old this technology is going way over my head Libsyn ? iTunes ? podcast ?
I`ll stick to this forum.
Hey dubstepped I wish you well and success in what your doing even if I dont comprehend it.
so, i did a thing today.
i officially launched a podcast called "this jw life".
people keep saying that i should write a book, but i don't even read books, unless in audio format.
maybe i`m getting too old this technology is going way over my head Libsyn ? iTunes ? podcast ?
I`ll stick to this forum.
Hey dubstepped I wish you well and success in what your doing even if I dont comprehend it.
so in england they report a "white clean-shaven man" mowed down worshippers at a mosque.
why do they never make such detailed descriptions when muslims do the same?.
i hope this event isn't a bad turning point.
As I said in a previous thread If Muslim extremists keep committing atrocitys against civillians in western nations sooner or later you will see like minded non muslim people retalliating and committing their own atrocitys against the muslims.
And this just seems to be what this attack was all about.,it doesnt make it right but I can understand the motive behind it .
You keep attacking me and sooner or later I`m going to fight back on your terms.and see how you like it.
This is only going to get more uglier unless a real solution is found and that I think rests with the Muslim community especially their Imans /leaders taking ownership of this problem within their community.
when we as former witnesses wake up and choose to leave the society, it is mainly because we value truth and honesty.. the society tries to make out that we are in the wrong.
that we have "left the truth".. but, who really holds the burden of proof?
do we (who leave) need to prove that the society is not the "truth", or does the society need to prove that it is the "truth".. thoughts?.
Well said doubtfull1799
So how can you have left a person who was never even there for you in the first place?
Of course what they are really saying is how can you leave a religious organization that speaks for a mute God.
just curious how we all think.. what prompted or influenced your choice of username for this forum?.
there are some really amazing names, and it would be great to hear the stories behind them.... mine was nothing fancy.
i just felt "stuck in a rut too" along with so many others.
I thought I would just use a reference to a common name that would throw people off the track if they were trying to identify me.
Hey I was a bit paranoid when I first joined up.
Hey chook your not an aussie that lived in melbourne are you ? Their was a kid in my school that had the nickname? chook
we all know about the" world famous" jehovahs witnesses who have had successfull careers in the sport and entertainment, and literature world ,and if your new to this board google it.
what about the young jw`s who see this and are told this is not for a jw ,its making a name for yourself where you should be highlighting jehovahs name and his organization.. but do the young ones see the organization taking the successfull jw`s in their field to task for making a name for themselves ?
iwant to be a world skater ?i want to be a 1st class footballer?
Thanks Vidiot you probably hit the nail on the head.
I just wonder how many gifted children were denied their potential by parents who followed the GB/JW line in discouraging their own children from reaching their goals in what field they excelled in .
Do their parents ever lament such a decision ?
Do the children ever hold a grudge over their parents for not letting them pursue their dream?
I know how I would feel now if I had prevented my son from advancing in a field he excelled in because of this religion and he lost his opportunities to progress further.
i recently watched a series which was broadcast a year ago on uk channel 4 called dicte - an import from denmark.
the main character is a journalist, but it is revealed in the first 5 minutes that she was brought up as a jw.
when she was in her teens, she had a baby which was removed from her.
Yes, my wife and I are a a fan of Dicte ,its currently on SBS on demand in Australia.The first series says a lot about her relationship with her parents who disowned/shunned her for leaving the religion, and as it has gone on their are still references to her upbringing as a JW
A first rate detective series. The Danes can produce good TV shows.
The Bridge was great and the Tunnel also
we were just musing that jws act in a "flirtatious" manner with people in the community.. they show such "sincere" interest in people when they call.
they seem like such kind, caring and thoughtful people - really interested in their lives and welfare.. people are often quite impressed with the jws manner, and their well dressed presentation.
people (especially vulnerable ones who are going through difficult pressures in life), are drawn in and made to feel special by the witnesses as they call back.. return visits take place.
Thats a good observation stuck and I agree with you.
a follow-up to my letter to my brother which i posted earlier: .
my brother, ronnie, had texted my sister, linda, and me regarding our late mother's estate.
linda engaged ronnie in a text conversation about our mother’s ashes because he has ignored her texts for several years.
So if roger is not using real names including his own or his family members there is no problem and I hope that is the case.
jesus in hebrew means "savior' and christ in greek means "messiah".
these are identifiers --not names in jesus case.. where did the name christ come from, his parents???
?i can see the name jesus (first name) but christ.
Never mind about his surname ,wasnt his" christian" sorry first name supposed to be Immanuel ?According to prophecy ?
we all know about the" world famous" jehovahs witnesses who have had successfull careers in the sport and entertainment, and literature world ,and if your new to this board google it.
what about the young jw`s who see this and are told this is not for a jw ,its making a name for yourself where you should be highlighting jehovahs name and his organization.. but do the young ones see the organization taking the successfull jw`s in their field to task for making a name for themselves ?
iwant to be a world skater ?i want to be a 1st class footballer?
We all know about the" world famous" jehovahs witnesses who have had successfull careers in the sport and entertainment, and literature world ,and if your new to this board google it.
What about the young JW`s who see this and are told this is not for a JW ,its making a name for yourself where you should be highlighting Jehovahs name and his organization.
But do the young ones see the organization taking the successfull JW`s in their field to task for making a name for themselves ? No. Why not ?
If they can get away with it why cant they ? Iwant to be a world skater ?I want to be a 1st class footballer? I want to be a songwriter singer ,I want to be a first class tennis player . They all have the potential to be just that.
Yet the Governing Body ,the Elders will discourage them from taking that course.
Do the young ones /teenagers see the hypocricy of the GB denying them of their chance to make something of themselves in this world ?in the field that they excell in ?
And not speaking out about those who claim to be Jehovahs Witnesses and speaking to the media identyfying themselves as such ? who are successfull in their fields ? and they are not called out upon by the GB as not representing officially as one of Jehovahs witnesses.
Why dont they do that .?