{…“You shall have no other gods before[a] me}
Obviously Jehovah was not willing to share the spotlight with his peers.Gen.3:22
{ I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,} (and every overlapping generation ever since)
That would have to be the understatement in all of Evolutions history wouldnt it ?
How can that equate with a" God of Love" or " He loved the world so much he gave his only begotten son" yet he keeps punishing Adam and Eves offspring to this very day.for their act of eating a forbidden fruit.and not just with death but a myriad of debillitating diseases to boot.
{When God makes a statement, He can’t make mistake.}
So when Jehovah God changes his mind as he has done on a few occassions ,its not because he has made a mistake ?
Just saying
However it is true the" Human Element is seen in the Ten Commandments" as well as the rest of the Bible.