I`m a little surprised this news hasnt generated more positive comment ?
Isnt this news a big step in the right direction ? worthy of a celebration?
alexandra james posted: "the state of victoria, in australia, is moving forward with a new law that is meant to protect victims of child sex abuse, including when such incidents happen within a religious setting.
according to the "reportable conduct scheme" that has just been ena" respond to this post by replying above this line.
new post on jwvictims.org .
I`m a little surprised this news hasnt generated more positive comment ?
Isnt this news a big step in the right direction ? worthy of a celebration?
i realize this is odd, but a "how you woke up" thread and the personal stories that are told which i know we all enjoy, made me think of this.
in helping my wife and a couple others get the ball rolling, i realized the thing that resonated with me, didn't even move the needle with them.
i wanted to rail on and on about blood, because that was my conduit to waking up, but for my wife it was about shunning.
What did not get me out ?
Things that should have.
In the first year of my conversion ,hanky panky going on with a married bro and a pioneer sister.
Not long after in another congregation voting was taking place to change the Sunday meeting times to a morning or afternoon this went on for succesive weeks until the PO got the result he wanted and that was it.
Questionable business dealings between self employed Elders and brothers.
The lead up to 1975 and the denial of the GB they were anyway responsible .
an interesting link that notes how jw (and mormon) door-to-door evangelism has dropped off:.
the aussie writer notices that instead they have "set up a stall in the carpark at the supermarket.".
Same problem Black sheep cant read it unless your a subscriber.
jehovah’s witnesses are assisting victims of a catastrophic fire that engulfed the grenfell tower, a 24-story apartment building in the north kensington area of london, in the early morning hours of june 14, 2017. authorities are reporting that at least 79 people were killed.. four witnesses were evacuated from the apartment building, two of whom were residents of grenfell tower.
fortunately, none of them were injured, although the witnesses’ apartments were among those completely destroyed in the blaze.
witnesses that live near the now fire-gutted apartment building provided food, clothing, and monetary aid to their fellow members and their families that were affected.
JW ,Mindset :
Why would we give support to those who are part of Satans system of things that jehovah is going to destroy at armagwddon.?
If we did that we would be supporting Satan and become an enemy of Jehovah and Christ Jesus..
watchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all!........at that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.
Oh Hum here we go again , same ole same ole ,C.T.Russell before the end of the 18th Century .
Joe rutherford and his resurrection of faithfull men of old in 1925 such as Abraham Isaac and Jacob,etc.
Umpteen times in the 20th Century 1925 ,1939-45 ,1975 and the following years just after that date , ,before the end of the 20th Century ,soon now ,soon now ,soon ,now.
IBSA members who didnt expect to die in this system of things.of the late 1800`s
JW`s in Joe Rutherfords day who didnt expect to die .
And everybody else since who didnt expect to die before Armageddon or the Great tribulation came and they are all dead.Up until this year of 2017 .
2000 years ago Jesus was coming QUICKLY ,how quick is quickly I ask you.
Or does all of this just go over the head of Jehovahs Witnesses.
if you can't upload one vote on others suggestions.
I dont see any benefit in this suggestion simply because JW`s are irrelevant in society , nobody gives a stuff about them nor takes any notice of them.
As I said they are irrelevant ,once a householder closes the door they are completely forgotten about.
Its true what has been said before the only ones who are interested in what goes on/happens in JW land is the JW `s themselves or ex-JW`s
Nobody else gives them a second thought.
And they are such an insignificant group , a minority amongst minorities.they just dont count , period.
Ask anybody in your street what JW`s believe , they wouldnt have a clue except to say they dont belive in blood transfusions.
Is that what JW`s have been preaching about for the past 140 years ? I dont think so
It just goes to show how effective they have been in their preaching work .
i finally found the questions from readers i was looking for.. from nov 1, 1999 wt .
it says.... questions from readershow do jehovah’s witnesses view voting?there are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself.
I`ll pay that chook ,and dont forget that annoited females cant vote either even though they can rule in heaven with JC ,? and they have no say in congregation matters or sit on the Governing Body ?
Go figure !
alexandra james posted: "the state of victoria, in australia, is moving forward with a new law that is meant to protect victims of child sex abuse, including when such incidents happen within a religious setting.
according to the "reportable conduct scheme" that has just been ena" respond to this post by replying above this line.
new post on jwvictims.org .
That is bloody good news for all concerned and especially to Steven Unthank for his tireless work in making the JW`s /WT religion accountable for their negligence and failure to protect the children of sexual abuse in their congregations and by extension the wider community.
Well done.
i finally found the questions from readers i was looking for.. from nov 1, 1999 wt .
it says.... questions from readershow do jehovah’s witnesses view voting?there are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself.
What i remember was " A Christian cant serve two masters " and as a JW we served the King Christ Jesus and to vote in a worldly election would make our dedication to God and Jesus void ,so we couldnt do so.
My practice was ,as it is compulsory to vote in Australia was to write on the ballot sheet the following.
"As a Christian Witness of Jehovah I have already in effect voted for Christ Jesus"
And I was never ever challenged as my name was struck off as I entered the polling booth.
No JW could challenge me as I was obeying the law and also voting for JC Kingship.
according to victor yarofeyev, who publishes a blog for a radio station in moscow, echo of moscow, the total value of the jw properties in russia is 1.9 billion rubles.
which converts to $31,956,955 us.
almost 32 million dollars.. yarofeyev speculates that, if the supreme court refuses the org's appeal on july 17, some of the jw's properties may prove difficult for the russian government to seize.
Correct me if I am wrong : All Kingdom Halls around the world are the property of the WTB&TS or its Associate organizations.(for want of a better description )
A great number of KH`s were built with volunteer labour and donated materials ,all free of charge.
And once dedicated to Jehovah they become the property of the WTB&TS.who can do what they want with them including selling them off to the arch enemy " Babylon The great" as they have so often done in the past.
( if a R&F member deals with any of christendoms religions he/she can be excommunicated for Apostasy.)
Its this Real estate business ( and thats what it is) that has gained the WTB&TS the enormous wealth they have gained/accumulated over the years dwarfing the contributions and gifts given by members.
They are definetely not a "Not for Profit Organization" that they claim to be so they should be taxed accordingly.
And neither are they a charitable organization ,for their is no charity that they give to including their own aged members who are looked after in christendoms institutions whom they condemn as agents of the Devil ,Babylon The Great ,the Counterfeit kingdom Of God.and Apostates.
They have no shame.