Your story sounds more plausible than the Bible story stuck......
Posts by smiddy
Noah's shuttle ferry. A biblical defender's excuse?
by stuckinarut2 inwe just realised that everyone has had it wrong!
the bible even got it wrong.. noah didn't build an ark that stopped in one place.
no my friends, it was actually more of a shuttle ferry that had multiple stops on its journey.
The End is Coming. The Divorce Rate is Going Up. Except it Isn't....
by konceptual99 inso one of the things witnesses have been saying for years is how marriage is under attack, typically marrying the word "soaring" with the words "divorce" and "rate".. here are some metrics that suggest that for those who do get married in england and wales this assertion is not actually correct..
sure there are less marriages than there used to be and more people cohabiting but it does throw some water on the argument that the sky is falling in as far as marriage is concerned..
I dont think Jehovahs Witnesses should be pointing the finger at the "worlds" divorce rate as being an evidence that the end is nigh ?
I think the divorce rate among Jehovahs Witnesses are higher than the general populations figures by comparison
Also the general population dont get divorced because of a difference of religion as a rule which is becoming more common in the JW religion
In my 33 years of being an active witness I was surprised at how many divorces I had witnessed and not a few of them had been married and divorced more than once.
It sounds like the pot calling the kettle black .
Cute: A Goose Quacked And Pecked At A Cop’s Car. When He Followed Her, He Couldn’t Believe What He Saw!
by Hecce inofficer james givens has served with the cincinnati police department for over 26 years, but has never quite experienced anything like this before.
he was sitting in his patrol car in a parking lot when he got an unexpected visitor.
a goose came up to his car and started pecking on the side of it.
Thats an incredible story backed up by video .Neither of theses officers will ever forget this experience .
And neither will the goose I suppose.
I`ll never call anybody a " goose" again
Is the Watchtower Organization in accordance with God's requirements?
by Listener inberoean pickets has another excellant article presented on their website.
it is written by tadua.
in light of the russian ban there are many valid points made.
The long answer is No
The short answer is No
Did the early Christians suffer bans on bible literature? This doesn’t seem to have been an issue. Indeed they did not use literature, they only relied on the Hebrew Scriptures and the Gospels and Letters of Paul and the other apostles as they became available.
, while these rights have been fought for and established in law in many countries, there has been no effort to fight for these rights in outright Muslim countries, and extreme Communist countries
I wonder why that is ?
The article examines whether the rights they fight for are in fact requirement of true worship.Or is it the rights they fight for are for self interest gaining acceptance in the community as being a religion becomming more mainstream.
Jesus he knows me:
by Gorbatchov intoday i read some postings about the changes in jw land, moving to a evangelical organization, and i have to say that is more and more recognizable in the genisis video clip jesus he knows me.. back then way overdone, now much like
I hear what you are saying Gorby and I agree .
It seems like they are saying well if you cant beat them join them.
Its very hard to distinguish between some of Christendoms religions and the JW`s anymore in comparing their promotional videos.
The jw`s condemned Christendom for having credit card facilities in their churches ,now they have them at conventions.
JW`s never pass a plate around at their KH meetings ,however they are not backward in coming forward in putting pressure on the congregation to donate money . So whats the difference really ? None.
All Christendoms religions some 40,000 of them have some things in common simply because they all claim to base their beliefs on the Bible.So naturally they are going to have some things in common .
Now jehovahs Witnesses are getting closer and closer to mainstream Christianity ,evangelicals ,like Genesis etc.
Eloise Dupuis' husband gets medical files (Quebec, Canada)
by OrphanCrow inthis article is in french but it translates fairly well:.
the husband of a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth.
the husband of eloïse dupuis, a jehovah's witness who died after giving birth at the hôtel-dieu de lévis, may have the complete medical record of the deceased.a text by yannick bergeron.
Am I reading this right ? Eloise Dupuis and her husband ,both Jehovahs witnesses both rejected the wifes given a blood transfusion if the medical profession deemed fit if she needed one.
Eloise Dupuis died after refusing a blood transfusion supported by her husband,
And now the husband is looking for loopholes to sue the Doctors and medical staff for not saving his wife `s life ?
The husband is looking for someone to blame for his wife's death.
He should take a good hard look at himself and his religion in the mirror because the buck stops their .
To seek compensation for his ignorance and stupidity from the doctors shows where his priorities lie ,$$$$$$$
It`s cases like this that I wouldnt blame the medical staff for not treating JW`s at all because of the way they are treated in this manner.
I hope his lawsuit is thrown out of court and that he gets hit with expenses incurred..
My blood boils when they seek medical help deny the doctors/medical staffs recommendations and then have the audacity to charge a lawsuit against the profession when they ignored the medical counsel given.
What is wrong with these people.,is it all about $$$$$$$ in compensation ?
Speaking for God: The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tahoe invery well put together!.
The Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses have no shame in manipulating vulnerable people into accepting them as Gods spokespersons on earth.
[ The map of Australia shown indicates all the cities lie in the west ,however the reality is the most populated areas are in the east and the south of the continent ] Not to be picky however ,
Just one more belief they have got wrong ?
just saying.
Speaking for God: The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tahoe invery well put together!.
It makes you wonder why Jehovah God and Jesus want and accept women in JC heavenly Kingdom as annointed ones from earth ,and the GB of Jehovahs Witnesses keep putting women down.
Would Jesus Christ and Jehovah God have to face a JW judicial committee for allowing women to have power and aurhority in their Kingdom for a thousand years ?
A judge in Mexico authorizes blood transfusion to a JW raramuri girl...
by ironsnake656 ini everyone, this is my new and first post.
i have like 4 years reading all the stuff in this forum and i like it!!!!
thank you for all your information that helped me to get out from the jwland.
Welcome ironsnake656 thanks for the link,its a pity that all judges no matter where they are in the world didn`t over-ride the JW policy on No Blood especially with children and the youth.
Even orthodox Jews allow for blood transfusions. That in itself speaks volumes
So true Unshackle The Chains
After being in the so-called "Truth" makes me despise all religions.
by Fader812 inafter being a jw made me lose trust in religion, from the lies, hypocrisy and greed of this organization made me lose faith completely.
what does one do after this mind f$%@, what is there to look forward to?
do i make up my own agnostic theory in head and hope for the best?
Welcome Fader812 ,your not alone my friend their are many on this board that have already gone through what you are going through and believe me some have much worse experiences than most of us.
Stick around, ask questions, share your point of view ,you wont be judged its a discussion forum where you can say what you want and wont be hurled before a JC committee.LOL
I look forward to your future posts.