Did you think we said /meant this system/world would end in 1914 ? You must be mistaken , what we meant was 1914 would be the beginning of the time of the end at some future date that we will tell you about.....soon
Again and again and again.
ever heard of it?
i have but never realized the full meaning.
this is the tactic the wtbs uses to control people.
Did you think we said /meant this system/world would end in 1914 ? You must be mistaken , what we meant was 1914 would be the beginning of the time of the end at some future date that we will tell you about.....soon
Again and again and again.
if a jw gets drunk on an occasion, he could get a pass if it was in private, if however in public there's a much greater chance of disfellowshipping as the sin has now "maligned the reputation of the congregation".
i got this through michael sherlock's fb page, he likes to expose religious nuts,.
The fact that JW`s seek out doctors who will take on their restrictive procedures on medical options available to them and then when things go wrong and the patient dies going against recommended medical options to minnimise problems they then go and sue the doctors /medical profession knowing the risks involved is just pathetic.
I`m surprised that any doctor or medical profession will even consider taking on a JW patient now knowing full well they may be sued by the patient or their JW relatives.if things go against their expectations.
The law courts should never entertain such law suits ,The JW`s know the risks and have to bear the consequences.
Kudos for this judgement against the Jehovah Witnesses
hello, i've been lurking for quite some time here on this forum, reading a whole lot and i've finally made the courage to create an account as a form of escape and in hopes to be understood and not feel "mentally diseased".
little background on me, i am a born in but i consider myself a pimo (physically in mentally out).
i feel like i've always had doubts but these doubts would sink with the meetings and the assemblies and every other little thing that drowns any doubts a witness may have.
Welcome jules you can speak your mind here wth no fear of repurcussions .I like to point out to newbies such as yourself about the search option at the top right-hand of the screen.
Type in your question and their is a wealth of info that comes up going back about 16 years .
And their is no revision of history on here.
And you my friend are not the one who is mentally diseased.
I look forward to more posts from you.
Take care.
i was a window cleaner, i was at the time unemployed, homeless.
i had no education to be proud of (high school one a two b's rest c's) i was a jehovahs witness.
i had been a pioneer.
An excellent post snare thanks for sharing it with us
on the radio today, an ad for a car dealership said:.
'if a salesman came to your door to sell you a car, would you buy it from him?
of course not, you'd go online and do your research.'.
So simple yet so true of ,an illustration you get a "G" nbd
a nearby star, ross 128, about 11 light years away, seems to be putting out some rather remarkable radio waves.
discovered by the arecibo observatory in puerto rico (the one shown in the move contact) other observatories like the allen telescope array are set to begin observations in the next couple of days to make sure the signal really is coming from interstellar space and isn't caused by instrument malfunction or radio waves bouncing off satellites.
it could be anything at this point (but very-very unlikely aliens).
witnessing would cease, would it flow on to attendance numbers at meetings and then total decimation of the church..
Stop the monthly report cards and you would kill off the D2D witnessing within 6 months.Lets face it , it`s outlived its usefullness by about 80+ years
jw family loses a civil case against a pa hospital where the mother died after bleeding following child birth.
For some reason I could not read the case mentioned ,
However for family members suing the hospital staff who are responsible for looking after the patient and she dies because of rejecting doctors recomendations as to what treatment she should be receiving ,
is simply pathetic.
It just simply seems that they are wanting financial gain from the restrictions they themselves and the deceased placed on the medical profession and they didnt get the outcome they were hoping for.
For doctors ,surgeons and medical staff assisting in operations involving Jehovahs Witnesses be aware that you may be sued if the patient dies regardless of your efforts to save them simply because they refuse your advice as to what is the best medical procedure that is available.
i'm glad i found this website.
thanks for everyone who read my experience.
at first, i really didn't know what to do after i woke up, but i occupied myself doing research about the wt society.
Take it from one who DA`d ,dont do it just fade away by not going to meetings or associating with JW`s and whatever you do do not under any circumstances agree to a meeting with one elder or two ,or a judicial meeting ,always say you are handling it as a private matter between you and God ,and do not let them intimidate you.
Remember : The power they have over is only because of the power you give them . ( So dont give them this power )
strong family ties & family values did not matter to jesus:.
- a person must hate his or her family and themselves in order to be jesus’ disciple (matthew 10:37; luke 14:26).
- jesus will give a big reward to those who forsake their family, abandon their home, leave their family behind for him.
Thanks deegee I was thinking something along those lines myself just recently .
Like , what are the unchristian things Jesus promoted and taught or just approved of.?
Such as slavery,
The killing of all people men,women and children in a global flood ( whether it happened or not Jesus approved of it )
Also the prophetic coming destruction of 99.9% of all humanity at Armageddon .
And those scriptures you cite just show how unchristian Jesus was.
Modern day Christianity just cherry picks what they want people to hear about Jesus teachings and keeping quiet about what they dont want them to hear.
Thanks for the post.dg