As they say a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
Kudos to the person who crafted it.
As they say a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
Kudos to the person who crafted it.
no one doubts jesus extensively spoke about god’s kingdom because he said: “i must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of god to the other towns also, because that is why i was sent.” (luke 4:43) yet christian sects are divided over the subject whether jesus used god’s name or not.. it is said that god’s name jehovah was revealed to moses.
however jesus knew moses was not trustworthy.
(mathew 19:8) moses born and brought up in egypt could have been influenced by egyptian knowledge.
Not meaning to be picky venus but maybe you should have titled your post using Yahweh instead of Jehovah,as JHVH and Jehovah was a 13th Century interpretation of the Tetragrammaton using vowels from Adonai.
I believe Ancient hebrew never had a J sounding letter in their alphabet
Thats why some bible translations have names like Yesus ,Yermiah ,Yosiah ,etc.etc.
However you are right their is no record of Jesus Christ ever using the tetragrammaton or its greek equivalent and should I go out on a limb here and say the Aramaic equivalent of the hebrew tetragrammaton .
Jesus never addressed GOD with a personal name and their are instances where he certainly could have but never did.
I found your Egyptian connection with Moses "interesting" as regards Gods name .
i was thinking back to when the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.. the book took exception to the as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom of god on earth , the counterfeit kingdom i think they called them.vicar of christ on earth.. and while its true to some degree in western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non christian religions around the world.. which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of islam in the world today .. with the war in iraq ,syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.. judaism ,christendom and islam all have their roots in the bible.the jews first then christians then muslims.. the bible only relates to the first two jews and christians and is completely silent about muslims.even in prophecy.. the book mentioned earlier btggkr nowhere mentions islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.. islam today is by far a greater threat to christianity and especially to jehovahs witnesses than anything the roman catholic church ever posed before.. obviously the holy bible and the holy spirit or jehovahs chosen people the jehovahs witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of islam in todays world.. the bible is completely silent about islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.. could it be that they could no more predict the future than i could ?.
the wtb&ts the publishing house of jehovahs witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the roman catholic religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in mags and books,.
how many times have the wtb&ts attacked and challenged the religion of islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of babylon the great the empire of false religion.. to this day jehovahs witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden.
resolute Bandicoot , welcome to the forum
Ruby456 ,Communism,Hinduism,etc have no connection with the bible or Characters in the Bible unlike Islam.
Orphan Crow ,Babylon the Great is the World Empire of False religion and not just confined to Christendoms religions.
Laika Their is a big difference of JW`s witnessing to local muslims in western lands ,how about they make a concerted effort to go to a muslim country and see how far they get. They do make the claim they have witnessed in all the inhabited earth dont they ? ( Except Muslim countries)
And how many Millions of people reside in Muslim Countries ?
Hecce/ Earnest ,Thank you for that reference I was not aware of that publication by the WT,however isnt the Islamic population now well over a Billion people ?
Island Man , You made a lot of sense.
Bungi Bill ,While i mention Islam and not any of the eastern religions is because they have no connection to the Judeo/christian bible like Islam does however obscure it may be.
They believe in Abraham as a prophet of God as well as Jesus however Mohammed is a greater prophet.
Jehovahs Witnesses dont single out other Christian denominations because they all spring from the Roman Catholic church and she claims to be the Vicar of Christ on Earth .
JW`s hold a special hatred of the R.C.Church as is still evident today with any JW that calls on your door.
Throw them a line and bait them and I gaurantee they will berate the Catholic church.
I thank you all for your replies.
i was thinking back to when the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.. the book took exception to the as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom of god on earth , the counterfeit kingdom i think they called them.vicar of christ on earth.. and while its true to some degree in western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non christian religions around the world.. which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of islam in the world today .. with the war in iraq ,syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.. judaism ,christendom and islam all have their roots in the bible.the jews first then christians then muslims.. the bible only relates to the first two jews and christians and is completely silent about muslims.even in prophecy.. the book mentioned earlier btggkr nowhere mentions islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.. islam today is by far a greater threat to christianity and especially to jehovahs witnesses than anything the roman catholic church ever posed before.. obviously the holy bible and the holy spirit or jehovahs chosen people the jehovahs witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of islam in todays world.. the bible is completely silent about islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.. could it be that they could no more predict the future than i could ?.
the wtb&ts the publishing house of jehovahs witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the roman catholic religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in mags and books,.
how many times have the wtb&ts attacked and challenged the religion of islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of babylon the great the empire of false religion.. to this day jehovahs witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden.
I was thinking back to when the book Babylon The Great Has Fallen Gods Kingdom Rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.
The book took exception to the R.C.Church as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom Of God On Earth , the counterfeit Kingdom I think they called them.Vicar of Christ on Earth.
And while its true to some degree in Western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non Christian religions around the world.
Which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of Islam in the world today .
With the war in Iraq ,Syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of Islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.
Judaism ,Christendom and Islam all have their roots in the Bible.The Jews first then christians then Muslims.
The Bible only relates to the first two Jews and Christians and is completely silent about Muslims.even in prophecy.
The book mentioned earlier BTGGKR nowhere mentions Islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.
Islam today is by far a greater threat to Christianity and especially to Jehovahs Witnesses than anything the Roman Catholic Church ever posed before.
Obviously the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit or Jehovahs chosen people the Jehovahs Witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of Islam in todays world.
The bible is completely silent about Islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.
Could it be that they could no more predict the future than I could ?
The WTB&TS the publishing house of Jehovahs Witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the Roman Catholic Religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in Mags and books,
How many times have the WTB&TS attacked and challenged the religion of Islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of Babylon The Great The Empire Of False Religion.
To this day Jehovahs Witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in Muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden
So much for their preaching in all the inhabited earth after 103 years .
`~39, and ~ 59+ years more to go .
Why in the world is anybody here giving any credence ? to the overlapping BS that the WT subscribes to ?
OK ,I see its just a tongue in cheeck mock of the overlapping gen thing
however lets get serious now ,
is Jesus overlapping himself ?
I mean he was King in the first century right ? Did his reign begin then ?
Then he was enthroned as king in 1914 right ? Did his reign begin then ?
And then he was to start his 1000 year rule as king in 1975 right ? How about now ,did his reign begin then ?
Or is he still about to begin his reign for a thousand years that is still in the future ?
or is their an inconsistency / contradiction here somewhere .?
in genesis god allows satan after deceiving the first human pair to go relatively unpunished for thousands of years interacting between heaven and earth at will.. the so called punishment is not to take effect until thousands of years later.. in the meantime .. the wager ( ?
) between jehovah and satan over jobs loyalty in question ,and obviously satan still having communication with god in the heavens.
Is it just me ? or is their an inconsistency / contradiction here somewhere .? maybe everywhere?
In genesis God allows Satan after deceiving the first human pair to go relatively unpunished for thousands of years interacting between heaven and earth at will.
The so called punishment is not to take effect until thousands of years later.
In the meantime .
The wager ( ?) between Jehovah and Satan over jobs loyalty in question ,and obviously satan still having communication with God in the heavens. ( Even though he was the instigator of the human rebellion ( sin ) against jehovah.?
Obviously Jehovah never shunned Satan for his rebellion
Jesus apparently has always had the opportunity to have a one on one with satan as is demonstrated in the gospels.Mt 4:8
So jesus never shunned satan for being an opposer .
Then again Jehovah allows Satan to be the God of this system of things ? Jehovahs creation ? to be the ruler of this world ? 2Cor.4:4
And Rom .13:1-5 says that it is in fact Jehovah God who gives Satan the authority to rule over the world of mankind that causes so much trouble and strife for the world of mankind that God/jehovah gave his only begotten son that everyone who exercises faith in him might gain everlasting life.?
Does that even make sense ?
What are your thoughts ?
Is it just me ? or is their an inconsistency / contradiction here somewhere .? maybe everywhere?
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
Whatever the number of partakers their is this year it is certainly well over the lowest number of approximately 8000 of a few years ago.
Remember the number stayed around 8000 of many ,many years without ever going below it. (35 ?)
The fact that it started going up to the level it is now doesnt fare well with the education JW`s are getting from the Governing Body if the rank & file cant differentiate who is of the annointed class and who is of the earthly class .
We had no such problem when I was in during the 60`s-80`s .
remember when we were jws and we'd hear from the platform, in conventions and on jw broadcasting that the things jws have achieved could only be possible with the help of the holy spirit?
yeah, well, i used to believe that when i was "in".
since leaving we all know this is bs, but today a simple, non religious, conversation lead me to see how stupid their claim is.. in my attempt to meet people and make friends i joined an international meetup group online a few months ago.
You do know that 1975 was the second time the WT predicted that 6000 years of humans living on earth would come to an end ?
The first time was when they believed 6000 years of humans living on earth would come to an end was in the late 1800`s .
So according to JW`s DY,and p.e,and others Jesus christ was ruling as enthroned King in the heavens since 1914 which is 61 years before the 6000 years of human history finished in 1975 and is the start of the final 1000 years of a creative day,that JW`s and holy Spirit taught.
We are now into the 42nd year of the 1000 year reign of Christ Jesus that began in 1975 according to the writings and publications of the WTB&TS in the 1960`sand 70`s.
So if we are now living under Jesus Christ rule for the past 103 years ,and the past 42 years into the 1000 year reign of jesus Christ it doesnt bode well for the next 900 or so years remaining.
Then again how do JW`s coincide jesus reign from 1914 with the 1975 start of the last 1000 years when the WT indicated it would be an appropiate time to begin his rule and the fact that the NT indicates Jesus was/is ruling since his ascension 2000 years ago ?
Food for thought ?
peak attendance 7100. baptised 38 mixed bag of old and young.
youngest age 10. saw no brothers with beards.
better than average .50% growth.
Maybe Cleveland Ohio is more blessed than anywhere else on earth ,werent they prophesised in the Bible according to the revelation Book ?
Just saying.
tax collector guy might help out..
Methuselah , because he lived a long time and you could correct all the mistakes you made in your youth and learn from them , like I want to do now but its too late .
Thinking Willie Nelsons song :"All the Girls I`ve Loved Before" and never took advantage of .and Sinatras "regrets I`ve had a few "