what is the website for h20? I'm curious now....
JoinedPosts by NewTruth
Was or Is Robert King "You Know" ? Does anyone know? Any Proof ?
by 987654321 incan anyone confirm that robert king (e-watchman) was "you know"?.
regarding these posts: .
by FireNBandits in(please don't go ballistic until after you've read my second article.
out of the many thousands of ossuaries found, the name mariamene e mara is found on none other!
also found in the tomb was an ossuary bearing the name matthew.
Well, I'm going out on a limb here..
I studied it and saw the docudrama..and I believe it..
Is. 2:2 My analysis..what's yours?
by NewTruth inso, here's the scripture:.
2:2 in the last days, the mountain of the lord's temple will be established as chief among the hills, and all nations will stream to it.
many peoples will come and say, "come, let us go up to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the god of jacob.
Hello there Write to Know...
Welcome to the board. How long have you been out..? I've been out since Sept. 2005. I was in for 26 years.. and I partook the last few years, I was in.
I liked your comments.
One thing has become clear to me that the truth requires God to teach us not a human organization.
This is the truth and also, that mountains are governments or arrangements..lifted up.
All the world wide religious groups today are in a state of confusion. People worldwide confess devotion to there personal groups or faith. When it fails them they cannot seperate God from that doctrine or the people of that group. Why? Because God is seen in people not in truth and spirit as He really is. Reproach upon reproach has been heap upon God and His Son in the name of all religions of the world.
Boy, if there was ever a TRUER statement..I don't know of any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dragnet illustration is interesting..
You are right, it definately is man's nature to follow men instead of God... or idols...like the Isrealites.. Why don't men want to follow God and Christ? Do you think it makes them feel safe, to worship something they can see and touch???
you said: God word tells us that everything will be wash away accept one stone that stone is Christ.
Could you please tell me where this is in the bible???
I liked what you said...about, if we are not thrown out of groups..maybe something is wrong?
The moutain being lift up in Isa. (as states at the start of this tread) is exactly how the society applied it in their older publication. I have learned that weeds always steal what is God's and claim it as their own. When God's temple was razed the weeds took the holy utensle as theirs. Later those holy things became a plague and they could not be done with them soon enough. The same will be true of all that proudly take God's word today a refining as if by fire awaits them. And look it has already started!
Are you saying that, the word of God is like an idol, something that people use in pride? Explain again please..
If God's word is not read from love from above it is a tool for smashing lives to piece
Isn't this the truth... I believe the mountain is Is..is already raised.. I believe we are in the last days, or the GT..
comments welcome
Is. 2:2 My analysis..what's yours?
by NewTruth inso, here's the scripture:.
2:2 in the last days, the mountain of the lord's temple will be established as chief among the hills, and all nations will stream to it.
many peoples will come and say, "come, let us go up to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the god of jacob.
Hello gang;; Thanks for the comments...
Doug, you had some questions...so here they are:
I am concerned that you seem to be using the OT to interpret the NT, which I believe is the wrong way around. The words of the NT must be used to explain the OT. Are there any NT passages that are direct quotations of Isa 2:2?
You acknowledge the analysis provided by Leolaia. I would therefore like to see how the structure given to the first two chapters of Isaiah provides a model for a secondary or even ternary fulfillment (some call this apotelesmatic – repeated and greater – fulfillments”).
Whom or what does “Jerusalem” symbolize across both chapters? We expect to see consistency of application across the two chapters, since they are closely bound, doctrinally and historically.
Where do you fit the “Great Trouble”? We know that at Matthew 24:21, this “Trouble” preceded and was associated with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Or do you have a secondary/ternary fulfillment from Isaiah 2 folding into Matthew 24, and then you consider that the fulfillment in Matthew 24 itself was to have a secondary/ternary fulfillment?
you said: I am concerned that you seem to be using the OT to interpret the NT, which I believe is the wrong way around. The words of the NT must be used to explain the OT. Are there any NT passages that are direct quotations of Isa 2:2?
Well, the NT talks of the last days, and John in Revelation ate the little scroll and was told to prophesy again to the nations.. Those would be 2 similarities..
you said: Whom or what does “Jerusalem” symbolize across both chapters? We expect to see consistency of application across the two chapters, since they are closely bound, doctrinally and historically.
To me, Jerusalem is symbolic of God's chosen people..now, both Jews and Gentiles..
you said: Where do you fit the “Great Trouble”? We know that at Matthew 24:21, this “Trouble” preceded and was associated with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Or do you have a secondary/ternary fulfillment from Isaiah 2 folding into Matthew 24, and then you consider that the fulfillment in Matthew 24 itself was to have a secondary/ternary fulfillment?
I think the Great Trouble or Great Tribulation is the last days, that is mentioned in Is. 2:2. I think Math. 24 and Is. 2 are both talking about the last days..I thinks the last days or GT is preceding the destruction in 70CE..and also that that we have a GT also..that precedes the destruction of the dying system of things..
you said: The 144,000 do not relate to the “Great Trouble”, since the Revelator says the ultimate winds of strife are “held back” to enable the 144,000 virgin Jewish men to be sealed – or is some part of that phrase literal while another part is symbolic, to fit one’s desired outcome?
The 144,000 are sealed in the beginning of the last days.. I think much of Rev..is symbolic.. definately..
Thanks for questions... interesting.
Is. 2:2 My analysis..what's yours?
by NewTruth inso, here's the scripture:.
2:2 in the last days, the mountain of the lord's temple will be established as chief among the hills, and all nations will stream to it.
many peoples will come and say, "come, let us go up to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the god of jacob.
I see, not alot on this site like to analyze the scriptures anymore.. Don't blame you, the WT is enough to make anyone give up.. I've been a bible reader for 28 years now.. and am not going to let the WT destroy me, even though it could.
Yes, Triple A...I do think the 144,000 are the ones the nations stream to to learn.. like the scripture that says that 10 men will hold on to the skirt of a Jew. And I think they are right here on earth..
Doug.. This isn't a wild gues on my part.. I've studied quite seriously for 28 years now... Unlike the witlesses, I think the G Trib, is the last days.. While they think the last days start long before the GT.. What do you all think about that?
MJ. I think the terms, Jacob..etc.. are antitypical meanings of God's anointed.. Isreal of God...both Jews and Gentiles..
Leolaia: Totally agree with you...except I also think that the prophesy has more than 1 fullfillment. Do you believe in antitypical fullfillments?
Is. 2:2 My analysis..what's yours?
by NewTruth inso, here's the scripture:.
2:2 in the last days, the mountain of the lord's temple will be established as chief among the hills, and all nations will stream to it.
many peoples will come and say, "come, let us go up to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the god of jacob.
So, here's the scripture:
Is. 2:2 In the last days, the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as chief among the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Here are some of my ideas:
Last days = Great Tribulation
the house of The God of Jacob = the anointed, or the 144,000
The law that goes out of Zion = the new little scroll that John eats, in Rev. 10, a new message of judgement and justice.
the ones going up to the mountain to learn= the great crowd = the non-anointed followers of God and Jesus.
any comments?? -
Jesus, Michael, archangels - People who live in glass houses shouldn't....
by Inquisitor injesus may not be archangel michael (as the wts teaches), but it is still conceivable that he may be an archangel.
the arguments often heard on jwd are very adamant that the role of archangelship is sooooo below his lofty reach.
but is there valid scriptural proof that it is so?
Hi there:
Your post confused me and I don't know what you believe???? You were being such a 'fair' guy, I don't know how you feel. Sorry, maybe I missed it.
1. Only one person is prophesied in Gen. 3:15 to bruise Satan in head...
2. Only one person is going to battle Satan and conquer him... in Rev. 12
3. Only one person is going to stand up for his people in Dan. 12..
If a crystal ball would tell you the truth about any ONE Thing you......
by new boy inwished to know concerning yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
How and when is Jesus returning..and if he's already here..
organ transplants official policy?
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini had thought that during the time organ transplants were prohibited, it was a disfellowshipping matter, because i could have swore that i read that in one of the older publications.. i am wondering if anyone has any information as to whether or not this would be a matter of disfellowshipping.
information that may be verified would be ideal.. .
So, the jest of this is, that the WT has decided that organ transplant are 'cannabalism' and if you did it, you would be shunned as a spiritually lost person, but not disfellowshipped, during that period of time? Is this what you get? Or could you have been disfellowshipped?
"her sins have massed together clear up to heaven"
by proplog2 inamericans live in a dream world about the history of their country.. they just can't see the usa as the treacherous "harlot" in revelation.
how can it be said of the usa that "in her was found the blood of prophets, and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth"_rev 18:24. certainly you can't say in a literal sense that the usa is responsible for "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth" any more than you could say that of ancient babylon - "at babylon the slain ones of all the earth have fallen".
_jeremiah 51:49. the blood-guilt of both ancient babylon and babylon the great is expressed as hyperbole - exageration for emphasis.. but, isn't the usa the most peace loving nation on earth?.
Pro: I think the head that gets revived, is the Bush administration.. With George H. Bush, he didn't finish his quest to destroy Iraq. But the Bush family was revived with George W. And the Bush administration hates Babylon...and is leaving her devasted and naked, financially, support wise, and other ways..