Dear MOG..
Don't you think that the Lord Jesus having an 'arch angel's voice' means that he has some close affinity with the arch angel, having his voice?
let me start by stating that i'm not a jehovah's witness but have family who have been discussing it with me and i am hoping for a better answer than i have gotten thus far.
i can find no scriptural backing for jesus being the arch-angel michael.
in fact i find things that seem to show me that they are two distinctly different beings.
Dear MOG..
Don't you think that the Lord Jesus having an 'arch angel's voice' means that he has some close affinity with the arch angel, having his voice?
let me start by stating that i'm not a jehovah's witness but have family who have been discussing it with me and i am hoping for a better answer than i have gotten thus far.
i can find no scriptural backing for jesus being the arch-angel michael.
in fact i find things that seem to show me that they are two distinctly different beings.
Wasnt Jesus able to rebuke Satan but yet Michael couldnt?
MOG: The setting of this was way back in the day of Moses.. Jesus was able to rebuke Satan, when he was on earth, 2,000 years later. Perhaps back then, in Moses' day, Jesus preferred to leave the rebuking to Jehovah.. Different time and place, and IMO not really comparable..
let me start by stating that i'm not a jehovah's witness but have family who have been discussing it with me and i am hoping for a better answer than i have gotten thus far.
i can find no scriptural backing for jesus being the arch-angel michael.
in fact i find things that seem to show me that they are two distinctly different beings.
Wasnt Jesus able to rebuke Satan but yet Michael couldnt?
MOG: The setting of this was way back in the day of Moses.. Jesus was able to rebuke Satan, when he was on earth, 2,000 years later. Perhaps back then, in Moses' day, Jesus preferred to leave the rebuking to Jehovah.. Different time and place, and IMO not really comparable..
let me start by stating that i'm not a jehovah's witness but have family who have been discussing it with me and i am hoping for a better answer than i have gotten thus far.
i can find no scriptural backing for jesus being the arch-angel michael.
in fact i find things that seem to show me that they are two distinctly different beings.
Hello Lilly and friends..
You said you are looking for a scripture that states specifically that 'Jesus is Michael the Arch Angel'. Daniel and Revelation are written are in symbols and signs. You will not find a scripture to say who, the wild beast is, nor who Babylon is, nor who Michael is, etc. So, it's a puzzle that one must put the pieces together to find the answers. Jehovah wrote it in signs, so not all would catch on, but only ones with a certain heart condition.
Now I will make some more comments as to why I derive to this conclusion. In the 'last day's' Satan expressed himself thru the 'wild beast', (note he gives him his throne in Rev.13:2). Note also that when Michael throws Satan out of heaven, he looks suspiciously like the wild beast in his appearance. So, when Satan is thrown out of heaven, I believe, it's the wild beast that he is disgracing and exposing and defaming. I also think the wild beast is connected to Babylon. So when he is thrown out of heaven or glory, also Babylon falls. No, I don't think like the JW's, that demons are floating out of heaven to the earth. Casting Satan out of heaven is the 1st step to abyssing him.. step 2 will be the final throwing him into complete inactivity, as we note that after Satan is thrown out of heaven, he is angry and attacking the woman and her seed . Only Jesus is assigned to do we note from Gen. 3:15. IMO.
As for Dan. 12:1.. I think that Jesus' people in the great tribulation, would not be literal Isreal but rather, spiritual Isreal.. again.. who is it predicted that would stand up and save us, in the end times.? Another guy besides Jesus? Not to my knowledge..
Hebrews 9:27b And he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him..
2 Thes. 1:6.......He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you.... This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.....
Note, Jesus is leading the angels, and they or one of them is not taking the lead, rather Jesus is leading the angels..
Peace...and justice come from Christ Jesus..our saviour, no other.. the angels and the anointed are merely working under his direction.. (that's my take anyways.)
let me start by stating that i'm not a jehovah's witness but have family who have been discussing it with me and i am hoping for a better answer than i have gotten thus far.
i can find no scriptural backing for jesus being the arch-angel michael.
in fact i find things that seem to show me that they are two distinctly different beings.
Hi Lilly and friends,
Okay, Lilly, you say prove it.
In Gen. 3:15 It's Jesus who destroys Satan... Rev. 12.
In Dan. 12.. Michael stands up in behalf of his people.... Okay, Jesus is our king? and our leader, who stands up for us. He's the anointed one, binds up the broken hearted and brings the kingdom to save the world.. Or was it some other guy? No, it's Jesus' kingdom. He's the one who fights for it, and brings it and saves us. Noone else.. IMHO
What more proof is needed??
let me start by stating that i'm not a jehovah's witness but have family who have been discussing it with me and i am hoping for a better answer than i have gotten thus far.
i can find no scriptural backing for jesus being the arch-angel michael.
in fact i find things that seem to show me that they are two distinctly different beings.
Okay guys..... I ABSOLUTELY think Jesus is Michael..... reasons?
1. Who else will battle Satan in the Great Trib and throw him out of heaven?
2. Who else would stand up for his people in the Great Trib as in Dan. 12:1?
Those 2 things are only the job of Jesus.. no one else. IMHO.....
forgive me if this has been posted here before.
i just read about a comet that is now heading our way that will come closer to us than our moon.
this comet will be visible in earth's skies on april 13th ( good friday, the day of christ's death ) in the year 2029. it will then return exactly seven years later on april 13 ( easter sunday, the day of christ's resurrection ) in the year 2036. it is said that its 2029 pass through the earth's skies and its gravitational pull may alter its orbit just a little bit so that upon its return in 2036 it may strike the earth.
Hello Michael...
I just wanted to say, that I think that the sign of the son of man... is the son of man himself.. who will be lifted up in the last days.. and people will either embrace him or reject him... I could back this up with scripture if you would like..... Star
i'm considering reading this book and was wondering whether anyone from jwd has already read it and would like to share their thoughts on it.
being ever-the-skeptic, i'm intrigued by a philosophy that appears to embrace reality and the here-and-now, but i'm wary of the new-age-y-sounding-ness of it as well.
what do "believers" think of the book?
I'm not interested by being taught by a spiritual guru... I've had enough. I only want the holy spirit to teach me from within... Thanks to the author of New Earth...but no thanks...
lets imagine that there would be "new bible scrools" to be added to the bible later on, what would you like it to say about you?.
I'd like them to say, that I was one of the bride of Christ...
Sept. 2005 and finished!