: js2law......interesting post. I thought I might respond to it. I feel EXACTLY as you do.How can you totally reject the Org when it tries to to spread the Good News!!!
I think 6 billion ever-so-soon-to-be slaughtered humans would not really want to call it good news. They won't have much time to sing praises to that there "Good News" with their guts spattered everywhere and dubs climbing all over their mangled bodies and the mangled bodies of their little babies to take over their homes and cars. When you will ever learn this simple fact about the JW religion?: the Good News is ONLY good for those in your religion. It's is eternal death for everyone else, including innocent children.
: Yes the Good News IS different today. In the First Century the "Kingdom was in their midst" i.e Jesus.
Where did Jesus say there would be more than one kind of "Good News?" WHERE?
: But today the Kingdom is Established in 1914!!! Thats our message to people!!!
Some kingdom: 1) It's invisible without one shred of evidence that it was established. Nobody is aware of it but dubs. It hasn't done anything. It hasn't changed anything and all of it is INVISIBLE and so is the evidence! 2) Christ has being "reigning" now for 87 full years and we ain't seen squat from his reign. Almost four generations have been produced and we still ain't seen squat.
Just what EXACTLY are you celebrating?
Did you ever read my "1914 for Dummies?" Well, if not here it is. YOU explain how this idiotic drivel from Brooklyn gives any thinking person a reason to believe in 1914:
"607 B.C." - the fundamental date critical to supporting the entire JW framework of prophetic chronology. This date, unique to only JWs, has been rejected by virtually EVERY other Bible historian and archeologist.
"1914" A.D. - the single most important date in JW doctrine, and is the result of using 607 B.C as an "anchor date", using the book of Daniel, Chapter 4, as proof.
This is based upon the following, simple reasoning:
7 "times" doesn't mean "7 times". It means "7 years".
But,"7 years" doesn't really mean 7 "years", either. It means "7 years of days".
But, the "days" in "years of days" doesn't really mean "years of days, in which the days actually mean "days", but means "years of days, in which the "days" actually mean "years".
Therefore, it is easy for even a fool to see that "7 times" REALLY means "7 years" but which really means "7 years of days", but which then really means "7 years of days which aren't really days, but years", or simply stated "7 years of days of which days are really years". To put it even so a child can understand it, it means that the "times" aren't "times" at all, but are "years", which aren't "years" at all, but are "years of days", which aren't "days" at all, but are "years" AFTER all, even though they were originally CALLED "times"!
Got all that? There's more.
Strangely, however, for all of this to work, this fulfillment, based upon an ANCIENT text, still requires the use of the ANCIENT calendar for the MODERN fulfillment to work out to 1914. Therefore, ancient text + ancient calendar = modern date in modern calendar.
When doing your calculations, don't forget that there is no "zero year" from B.C to A.D. C.T. Russell forgot that and was quite embarrassed about it. The official WTBS explanation in later, revised, editions of his books was that "the battery was very low in his calculator at that time" and he wasn't aware of it until after the material was printed.
Lastly, the book of Daniel was prophesied to remain "sealed" until the "last days", which, as we know, began in 1914, according to the simple reasoning just presented. So, Russell had to figure out a way to, somehow "unseal" Daniel before it was prophesied that Daniel WOULD be "unsealed" so he could then put forth a prophecy which pointed to exactly when Daniel WAS to be "unsealed", namely at the start of the "last days", in 1914. Russell, therefore, successfully used a "sealed" book to calculate the exact date it was to be "unsealed", which at that time it was officially, "unsealed", but Russell "unsealed" it before that, because he wanted to know beforehand when it WOULD be "unsealed", because only THEN would he know when the "last days" were to start, which was, of course, when Daniel actually WAS to be "unsealed". Got all that?
I apologize to the reader for using so many words, but, this stuff is so, well, "DEEP"!
: Its interesting that nobody but nobody discusses the future of the Earth!!
Most people are busy living and not busy dealing in fantasies.
: That was God's original purpose, Right?, for man to live forever on Earth???
Yeah? Why did he make sure he KILLed almost EVERYONE on the earth not that long after Eve met a talking snake? God of the Bible, more than any other creature that ever existed did more than any other creature that ever existed to make sure that more people were wiped off the earth than he ever did to make sure people stayed on the earth. If he didn't do it personally, he ordered it done. God of the Bible is bloodthirsty, period. He screwed up Cain because Cain didn't give him BLOOD. He made sure the Israelites were up-to-their arms in BLOOD sacrifices to HIM. And worse than all of that, he made sure his own son gave him that BLOOD and death that he craves so much. So much for your God "wanting" to have man live forever without that God getting his piles and piles of blood that he demands. For man to "live forever" on earth, God has to make sure the world suffers the greatest bloodbath in all of history, worse than any other bloodbath ever, and probably worse than all of them combined. THAT is the unvarnished truth about your "Good News."
: Despite wrong understandings in the Past the Org continues the Preaching work WORLDWIDE......The same message WORLDWIDE!!!!!
And just what is that message? "Believe what we say or God will slaughter you." "Join us or God will slaughter you." "Believe our ancient diaper-clad leaders even when they are totally goofy, or God will slaughter you." "Buy our books, or God will slaughter you." "Shun your children, and parents or any of your friends who disagree with what we say, or God will slaughter you." "Sell our books or God will slaughter you."
Some message.
: That and the WORLDWIDE Brotherhood and the Unity diplayed is the Positives that keep me in the Org, despite numerous doubts!!
The word "unity" is not the same as the expression "forced conformity, or God will slaughter you." If dubs had any freedom of expression at all without impunity, you would see that "unity" vaporize. That "unity" only exists because your leaders have terrorized you, bullied you, lied to you and extort you into believing whatever they put forward, or you will face the harshest of punishiments: you will be forever shunned by all those you love, AND God will slaughter you.
Some "unity."
: Farkel, always love your perspective on things(if your the same Farkel from old H2O)....
Thanks! Yep, I'm me. No one is big enough of a jerk to even attempt to impersonate me.
: just curious you mentioned that Jehovah hasn't used an Organization???? What about the Nation of Israel, Ist Century Christians and their numerous Congs??? Just curious!
What I said was, the Bible is crystal clear that God ALWAYS worked through individuals. Period. What "organization" was Noah a part of. The flood was God's most spectacular work ever on the face of this earth, but Noah wasn't aware he had to be a part of an "organization" to warn about it. What "organization" did Isaiah belong to? Daniel? Ezekiel? Moses? Jeremiah? Elijah? Elisha? John the Baptist? Even Jesus Christ himself?
Even Chuck Russell got it right when he said "organization is wholly unnecessary." The WTS even screwed that part up. God has ALWAYS worked through individuals.
You've been brainwashed and lied to and conned by a bunch of self-serving hypocrites in Brookly, Normie67. Perhaps someday you'll see that. Until you do, they'll keep lying to you, taking away your freedoms and making ever more promises that they can't deliver. They've never delivered on ONE promise they've made. Their success in prophecy amounts to a 100% failure rate.
They're just men pretending to be directed by God. Nothing more.
: The 1914 date is arguable, GTR, COC and etc. But honestly what othe rDate was as important as WW1 many point to 1914 as turning point in human history!!
Read GTR and you'll see that those "many" you speak about are idiots.