Try to follow me carefully on this one. I will type slowly and use simple structures to build up to more complex ideas, out of kind regard for your candid admission on another thread that you are sometimes as thick as a brick.
1 - Jehovah's Witnesses is not your mother, your brother, your aunt, or your uncle. These are examples of individual adherents and not at all the subject I am discussing.
2 - Jehovah's Witnesses is a worldwide religion that makes certain claims about itself. Many of these claims can be proven untrue by the very source the religion looks to for support of its claims.
3 - Jehovah's Witnesses either do or do not regard the Bible as the basis of all their doctrine. The Reasoning book says they do. In fact, that publication goes so far as to state that the fact that they do is, in part, what proves that they are the sole organization God is using today.
4 - Jehovah's Witnesses (the religion) claim to be not only Christian, but they claim to be the only Christians on the face of the earth. Apparently religions cannot even be held accountable to their own published standards and found dogmatically wanting without some pissant crusader verbally castigating the one who discovers and publishes the lack.
5 - Jesus trashed the Pharisees (as published in Matthew 23) even though every individual adherent did not merit the comments he made. The religion was flawed and destructive. You even referenced his comments in your post when you asked how many I would shut up the heavens to. He was referring to the religious dogma serving the purpose of shutting up the heavens, he wasn't saying that individual Pharisees had the ability to keep someone else from heaven.
6 - Challenging the claims of religions and/or religionists is not Pharisaical. Jesus did it, frequently. The apostles did it. You do it, too. Snidely and sarcastically, but you do it.
7 - Arrogantly presuming the state of mind or intentions of someone else based on cursory information about them is prejudice. Prejudice is not necessarily Pharisaical, there are many horrible traits among humans which are not strictly Pharisaical, but you are prejudiced. Rankly and disgustingly, prejudiced.
8 - Your response to my post proves that your self assessment of being as thick as a brick was most likely accurate.
Did I write that comprehensively enough for you to apprehend it all, or would you like bits of it explained further?