I agree that the understanding they apply to Matthew 28:19, 20 is impractical. I was simply stating that since it doesn't make sense to understand that every Christian must baptize others it also doesn't make sense to understand that every Christian must preach to others.
Contextually, the two actions are equivalent in imperative sense. Whoever the responsiblity was placed on became responsible for both actions to an equal degree.
JWs try to separate the two actions, making everyone responsible for part of it and severely restricting who they allow to be responsible for the other part. That is an impossible way to understand the instruction.
A JW is forbidden from sharing in the religious activities of any other faith. The First Century Christians frequently did what JWs are disallowed from doing. Even in reaching unbelievers they are forbidden from sharing any religious observances with them. If a JW today decided to go to a Jewish synagogue for Sabbath services like the apostles did, such a JW would be subjected to a Judicial Committee if their attendance at a false religious service became known.