Welcome 4digitcode I'm a newbie here too, and I probably classified myself as a nut already. Aren't all JW's kinda strange? I was baptized at 12, left at 19, tried to go back at 35 (no Prodigal Sons allowed) and found the truth about the troof last year. Kinda saved me from what I thought was a consignment to the ashpits of Gehenna. My mother is still an active JW, but when I became enlightened, I was pretty much able to undo 37 years of brainwashing inside of 30 minutes. The Tower really stands atop a house of cards. I still can't believe I went through more than half my life believing that Jehovah was really writing that filthy vomit in the books and magazines. It's good to stay in, though, if you can stomach it. They'll need someone around who knows what the hell is going on when they realize they're not going to watch the Great Trib from the sidelines of spiritual paradise while the rest of the world becomes an ashtray!
JoinedPosts by ProdigalSon
so let me get this straight
by 4digitcode ini have been on here for only the past 3 days or so....so i don't really know how it goes.. this is an 'apostate' site right?.
so today i've learned that there is just the ol' regular apostate and an 'active' apostate.. but are there actually active witnesses on this site as well??.
because i just saw a topic about someone asking for advice on how to do a talk?.
If the universe is growing??.....
by ex-perfectdaughter ini was wondering the other night....if the universe is growing how does this explain creation?
if god has finished creating how can an expanding universe be explained?
do the dubs have any comment on this?
I'll probably lose any chance at credibility her by posting this, but then again the exposure of Babylon the Great will shock everyone. The Big Bang is a lie straight out of Kabbala Antichrist Talmudism, to support Darwinism and now the new craze, extra-terrestrial evolution, life transported from one galaxy to another aboard comets. Nevermind that these "organisms" would have to survive absolute zero temps for millions of years, but when it impacts some other "by chance" hospitable planet, after a few hundred million more years it becomes Beethoven. Check out this website thoroughly and you might find it answers a lot of questions. If not, then just consider me a nut! http://www.fixedearth.com/index.html Agape Lou
Why the excuse, "we are theocratic"?
by edmond dantes inthe wts claim to be theocratic when really they are a dictatorship .when ever did they consult the rank and file and why do so many followers accept blindly their pronouncements.maybe it's because of fear or perhaps just plain ignorance.why can't the g.body write to every jw and ask their opinions about forth coming changes to the washtower editions.they could ask individual members by means of a questionaire ; things like, how satisfied are you with the society?
tick one box ",very satisfied", "not very satisfied"," who gives a monkeys".
"always" or "almost always" or " are you peeing down my back or is it raining".another question; the statement millions now living will never die , only tick one box remember , "was true at the time", or" was never true" or "still true today" or " i believe whatever , do i look bothered".. last question ; because we are tax exempt and a charity case what is the the most humanitarian act do you think we have carried out?
Why the excuse, "we are theocratic"?
by edmond dantes inthe wts claim to be theocratic when really they are a dictatorship .when ever did they consult the rank and file and why do so many followers accept blindly their pronouncements.maybe it's because of fear or perhaps just plain ignorance.why can't the g.body write to every jw and ask their opinions about forth coming changes to the washtower editions.they could ask individual members by means of a questionaire ; things like, how satisfied are you with the society?
tick one box ",very satisfied", "not very satisfied"," who gives a monkeys".
"always" or "almost always" or " are you peeing down my back or is it raining".another question; the statement millions now living will never die , only tick one box remember , "was true at the time", or" was never true" or "still true today" or " i believe whatever , do i look bothered".. last question ; because we are tax exempt and a charity case what is the the most humanitarian act do you think we have carried out?
Have you guys ever considered that maybe Jehovah is not happy with the Nazi dictatorship that the Watchtower is today? Why not blame the pompous and lazy Governing Body behind the whitewashed wall in Brooklyn instead of blaspheming Jehovah? Consider these scriptures and consider who Jehovah might be talking about: Jeremiah 6:13 “For from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, every one is making for himself unjust gain; and from the prophet even to the priest, each one is acting falsely. 14 And they try to heal the breakdown of my people lightly, saying, ‘There is peace! There is peace!’ when there is no peace. 15 Did they feel shame because it was something detestable that they had done? For one thing, they positively do not feel any shame; for another thing, they have not come to know even how to feel humiliated. Therefore they will fall among those who are falling; in the time that I must hold an accounting with them they will stumble,” Jehovah has said. Ezekiel 13:1 And the word of Jehovah continued to occur to me, saying: 2 “Son of man, prophesy concerning the prophets of Israel who are prophesying, and you must say to those prophesying out of their own heart, ‘Hear the word of Jehovah. 3 This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: “Woe to the stupid prophets, who are walking after their own spirit, when there is nothing that they have seen! 4 Like foxes in the devastated places are what your own prophets have become, O Israel. 5 YOU men will certainly not go up into the gaps, neither will YOU build up a stone wall in behalf of the house of Israel, in order to stand in the battle in the day of Jehovah.” 6 “They have visioned what is untrue and a lying divination, those who are saying, ‘The utterance of Jehovah is,’ when Jehovah himself has not sent them, and they have waited to have a word come true. 7 Is it not an untrue vision that YOU men have visioned, and a lying divination that YOU have said, when saying, ‘The utterance of Jehovah is,’ when I myself have spoken nothing?”’8 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: “‘For the reason that YOU men have spoken untruth and YOU have visioned a lie, therefore here I am against YOU,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.” 9 And my hand has come to be against the prophets that are visioning untruth and that are divining a lie. In the intimate group of my people they will not continue on, and in the register of the house of Israel they will not be written, and to the soil of Israel they will not come; and YOU people will have to know that I am the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, 10 for the reason, yes, for the reason that they have led my people astray, saying, “There is peace!” when there is no peace, and there is one that is building a partition wall, but in vain there are those plastering it with whitewash.’ Isaiah 42:18 Hear, YOU deaf ones; and look forth to see, YOU blind ones. 19 Who is blind, if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is blind as the one rewarded, or blind as the servant of Jehovah? 20 It was a case of seeing many things, but you did not keep watching. It was a case of opening the ears, but you did not keep listening. 21 Jehovah himself for the sake of his righteousness has taken a delight in that he should magnify the law and make it majestic. 22 But it is a people plundered and pillaged, all of them being trapped in the holes, and in the houses of detention they have been kept hidden. They have come to be for plunder without a deliverer, for pillage without anyone to say: “Bring back!”
Apocryphal Books
by Black Man ini've been starting to read the apocryphal books (just for the heck of it and pure academia), you know, those books that were deemed unsuitable to be considered as part of the bible canon by the religous bureaucrats back in 317 c.e.
at the council of nicea (constantinople).
i think the bible and the apocryphal books are probably a bunch of crap, but can someone school me on them?
I love the book of Enoch, and I consider it "inspired". It describes the secret societies that have running this world to a tee. I only have one problem with it, that it says the Nephilim reached a height of 3,000 ells. I believe that equates to about 2,250 feet. Can anyone explain this?
Who does the prodigal son scripture apply to?
by Heather inokay i already asked a question earlier on being disassosiated now i'm wondering who this scripture applys to if not those in my place or disfellowshiped ones.
surly it doesn't apply only to those who are inactive since the son left to do his own thing.....
As you can tell from my username, I can really relate to this conversation.
Dedpoet, you really hit the nail on the head. I experienced exactly what you said, after being inactive for 16 years. They disdain you for having the utter gall to take time off while they had to endure through the Phariseeic slavery.
Little do they know the hell they had made of our lives, nor do they care. And of course I'm speaking of the elders. They've all been through the Tower's Nazi indoctrination.
As for the friends, I think the vast majority are great people, and I look forward to the day they're released from bondage to the bunch of Freemasons residing within that All-Seeing Eye of the Governing Body.
Daniel 4:1-37, "Seven times"
by Son of John indaniel 4:1-37, "seven times".
what was the tree like, before it was cut down?
the situation is described in daniel 4:11, 12:.
Ezekiel the 31st chapter is a good example of how Jehovah likens nations to trees, likening Egypt to a giant cedar that got to be the biggest in the "Garden of God". So yes it is true that there is no scriptural basis to apply the tree in Daniel chapter 4 to God's Kingdom.
Son of John, I do admire the effort you brothers put forth in trying to make more sense of the 4th chapter of Daniel, and I don't blame you for questioning the Watchtower's absurd doctrine. An Ironic thing is that one of the key scriptures the Society uses to promote 1914 is at Ezekiel 21:26,27. Remember this one? "Remove the turban, lift off the crown...a ruin, a ruin, a ruin I shall make it...and it will become no one's until he comes who has the legal right, and I shall give it to him". The irony is that this prophecy undoubtedly applies to their coming demise.
The other problem is that it seems that the "seven times" would become 7,000 years according to your spirited interpretation. This however would be the only time in the Bible that I know of that it would apply to a period other than 360 days.
So I believe that the prophecy may have a future fulfillment during the time of the end, but I also think that it is still "sealed up" until Jehovah deems that it's time to enlighten on these sealed prophecies. Right now I can't even see a way of applying it to the UN-New World Order, as Armageddon will ensure that there is no way that Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom will still "be sure to him" after it's over.
Jehovah creates Evil according to Isaiah
by Grammy inisaiah 45:7 (american standard version)7 i form the light, and create darkness; i make peace, and create evil.
i am jehovah, that doeth all these things.
isaiah 45:7 (king james version) 7 i form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: i the lord do all these things.i had never read this scripture before evidently, but i always thought the ot painted an evil god not a loving one.
Yes Jehovah has free will, and he could lie if he wanted to, but he has said how much he hates the lie. And the lie does not originate with God, it originates with his creatures, some of whom have chosen to lie, and their lies usually come back to haunt them. Aside from that, Jehovah never had a reason to lie, as he has everything and he is everything. His creatures though, can succumb to jealousy the same as God, and this is how Satan's lie originated. We know that God can be jealous, but he does not need or temptation to lie because he has no superior.
Isn't this all kinda fundamental?
Jehovah creates Evil according to Isaiah
by Grammy inisaiah 45:7 (american standard version)7 i form the light, and create darkness; i make peace, and create evil.
i am jehovah, that doeth all these things.
isaiah 45:7 (king james version) 7 i form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: i the lord do all these things.i had never read this scripture before evidently, but i always thought the ot painted an evil god not a loving one.
The way I see it, the lesser creature in this instance is human, and according to God, created in his image. If we lesser creatures can return God's love in giving us the breath of life, it serves as a great reward to our hearts to know that he is taking delight in our decision to obey him out of love, and the realization that his rules are really not that hard to follow, and were all designed to protect us from the very "evil" that some accuse him of creating. It's very hard to appreciate this concept in a world run by Satan, where the vast majority of people seem to have had this God-given trait almost completely bred out of them over the last 6,000 years.
Each of us has the ability to choose between right and wrong, it's what sets us above the animals. So whatever we do, we can choose to make the god of evil happy, or the God of Love happy. I've been down the road of depravity, thanks to the treatment of Watchtower elders who didn't show much shepherding ability, let alone anything even closely resembling love. Anything Satanic looks to eliminate free will, and promote tyranny. Why would that be? The real Jehovah, the one that few can see presently because of Bethel's whitewashed wall, is a God of freedom, because only free creatures can choose to please him or displease him.
Jehovah creates Evil according to Isaiah
by Grammy inisaiah 45:7 (american standard version)7 i form the light, and create darkness; i make peace, and create evil.
i am jehovah, that doeth all these things.
isaiah 45:7 (king james version) 7 i form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: i the lord do all these things.i had never read this scripture before evidently, but i always thought the ot painted an evil god not a loving one.
I checked the Hebrew lexicon to find the root word for evil which is "ra". Other translators have rendered it "misery", "bad", "calamity" or "misery". I find this perfectly understandable as Jehovah is a loving parent who needs to dole out discipline once in a while. Please forget the Watchtower and their reptilian elders, trained by the Freemasons at the top of the pyramid in Brooklyn. Jehovah created free will, of which evil is a product. The Bible's overall message is that Jehovah is a loving and sensitive God, and does not take pleasure in evil. On top of all this Jehovah is promising to do away with evil forever. Why would a God who enjoys evil ever say a thing like that?