They don't participate in actual warfare but it seems to be okay to own half the stock of Rand-Cam, one of the most advanced warfare technology corporations in the world!
JoinedPosts by ProdigalSon
New Awake - JWs are Great!
by brotherdan inthis box appears in the new awake.. how can they say they have no clergy class?
what is the governing body?
how can they say they take no money collections at kingdom halls when the contribution boxes are very visible and we are reminded to give?
New Awake - JWs are Great!
by brotherdan inthis box appears in the new awake.. how can they say they have no clergy class?
what is the governing body?
how can they say they take no money collections at kingdom halls when the contribution boxes are very visible and we are reminded to give?
Brotherdan, a quick search of the WT CD-rom also reveals a "Jeremiah Class", "Ezekiel Class", "David Class", "Elijah Class", "anointed class", "other sheep class" and who knows what else...still looking... first class, business class, coach class... oh sorry that's Lufthansa....
Soldiers of Jah
by cofty ini would like to propose an ethical dilemma for those who believe in the divine inspiration of the bible.. in the following scenarios i am not asking you what you would have done but rather, what you hope you would have had the courage to do.. scenario 1. you are camped on the east side of the jordan waiting for orders to cross into the promised land.
moses is nearing the end of his life but he has some unfinished business to take care of before he hands over to joshua.
he announces that he has had an instruction from god to take revenge on the midianites before he dies.
Well NVL, intuition can only take you so far. You can "know" something in your mind, but you might not have all the facts of the universe straight.
If someone wants absolute verification of the truth, they need to go "online" to the source and get it.... that's how psychics do it. I'm not saying they can't be misled too, because there are upper and lower dimensions that are mirrors of each other, but that's a whole discussion in itself.....
When you astral project, the silver cord mentioned in Eccl. 12:6 will keep your consciousness connected to your physical body.
I think its a MUCH better explanation for out-of-body and near-death experiences than "the demons are playing tricks on you to get you to believe in an immortal soul".... don't you?
Soldiers of Jah
by cofty ini would like to propose an ethical dilemma for those who believe in the divine inspiration of the bible.. in the following scenarios i am not asking you what you would have done but rather, what you hope you would have had the courage to do.. scenario 1. you are camped on the east side of the jordan waiting for orders to cross into the promised land.
moses is nearing the end of his life but he has some unfinished business to take care of before he hands over to joshua.
he announces that he has had an instruction from god to take revenge on the midianites before he dies.
Once you know the truth, it will set you free.
You're not going to find it in the pages of any book. If you want to learn for yourself what was said or not said, what is true and what isn't, first get all the data together that you can find, apply logic, then meditate diligently, then apply some more logic....keep seeking, knocking and asking....find that little voice within, and trust your intuition.
Take a course in astral projection, learn to wake up in a dream, and go ask Jesus for yourself, or whoever else you want to find up there. Paul did it on the road to Damascus, and in his "third heaven" excursion. Until we experience self-realization, we are merely projecting our opinions onto others, no matter how much "proof" we might have for our beliefs.
If Jesus really said "no one comes to the Father except through ME", and he really meant his individual self, then he condemned most of the world, all his teachings of Oneness are false and he was a liar. I don't think Jesus ever lied. But yes the scribes did.
If he meant the Christ energy that he incarnated within himself, which we all have inside of us with the potential to be awakened, then every religion and every culture has its Christ, its savior energy which comes into their temple bodies through the SUN of God, and that is the only way any of it makes sense. You have to build a solar body and this is the secret teaching of Christianity and every other major religion.
We are all connected, that's the key to understanding the Bible. No one is an entity unto himself, disconnected from the rest. That's the big illusion. That's why my favorite chapter in the whole Bible is John 17.
The Doctrine of Hell
by Yizuman inis the doctrine of hell a hindrance or a help in witnessing?
many evangelicals are ashamed of this biblical doctrine, viewing it as a blemish to be covered up by the cosmetic of divine love.
but this dishonors gods word.
There is definitely suffering involved in dissolving egos, but literal fire is absurd. It's actually a lot more painful than that, but certainly not forever.
If you look REALLY CLOSELY at the Bible, you will see that there is no single word that ever denotes "eternity" as in "forever and ever and ever" with respect to our physical existence, and rightly so, because outside of this 3-dimensional box we are in, there is no "linear" time, only "quantum" existence in the now. Once your consciousness is free of your body, forever can be yesterday.
If Jehovah God Chose Russell & The Bible Students Why Did He Give Them So Much Inaccurate Information?
by minimus inhmmm.
either jehovah god (the perfect god) didn't give that information.
it never was the "truth" in the first place..
Russell was much better off than the modern day least he was into the pyramids, which is a lot closer to "God" and true prophetic interpretation than the Witchtower is today or has been since he died.
I didn't even know i WAS an apostate!
by GrandmaJones ini am currently just sick with grief.
i can't believe this is happening to me.
all the jokes i've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality.
You're doing the fade just right, Grandma Jones.... Just be careful what you say to ANYONE, and don't tell the elders ANYTHING!! They don't like it when one of their own refuses to hate and judge. Don't let them treat you like a worthless piece of **** after all these years, because they WILL!!
How do we gain the knowledge that leads to everlasting life?
by wannabe inpage #1. .
"to you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted.. .
page # 7. knowledge of jehovah and his son; knowledge that will put them on the road to everlasting life, under the kingdom of god.
Personally White Dove, I don't think it's co-incidence that there are 7 billion souls on the planet at this particular time. We're at the end of a 75,000 year evolutionary cycle and it appears we've all agreed to be here for the festivities!
How do we gain the knowledge that leads to everlasting life?
by wannabe inpage #1. .
"to you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted.. .
page # 7. knowledge of jehovah and his son; knowledge that will put them on the road to everlasting life, under the kingdom of god.
Hey White Dove!!
Isn't is amazing how reincarnation addresses so many nagging questions?
What can we learn in one little lifetime?? It's gone before you can blink...
How do we gain the knowledge that leads to everlasting life?
by wannabe inpage #1. .
"to you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted.. .
page # 7. knowledge of jehovah and his son; knowledge that will put them on the road to everlasting life, under the kingdom of god.
Oooh that red is tough on the eyes....
What a bunch of hot air. Very Watchtoweresque too.... it's OUR way or the highway to hell.
When humanity ascends, it will be because of their realization of their Oneness with God. That means loving everyone equally, judging no one, and simply being role models for others to follow. Volunteering to help the sick and needy, or just being a good friend to someone in a time of need. If we do these things just a little bit more often than we worry about ourselves, and do these things from the heart, honestly and sincerely not giving a shit what their religious beliefs are, we have evolved.
Really, it's just the opposite of this fire and sulphur pulpit diatribe.
Farkel! Excellent point about the "knowledge" business!