The problem with the Bible is that it is not, and never was, the "Word of God". Now that the Internet is here, neither it nor false religions can thrive the way they did, and it's only a matter of time before they are ALL exposed for being exactly what they are, man-made doctrines to keep people from recognizing their Divinity. It is the word of men, and it was their IDEAS about God. Although it does contain Divine knowledge, written in ALLEGORY. Basically, it is full of myths, none of the stories are original, and it was all laid out by a priesthood in order to control the masses. For instance, the Black Magician Ezra added in all the stuff about animal sacrifices. Now if God never commanded animal sacrifices, what does that do to the Christian theology of Jesus being the "sacrificial lamb"?
Not to worry though brotherdan...Jesus DID exist, but his message was changed. Look to the Gnostic Gospels, and whatever else the ecumenical councils of Rome didn't allow into the "canon". If you want to know the truth, it's basically anything what would take away the power of the church, i.e., the Christ is an energy, not a man, and it is within you. Jesus Himself said "you are gods", and "if you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, 'transfer from here to there, and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you". He also said, regarding his miracles, that "you will do things greater than these".
I recommend a book called "Myths and Deceptions of the Bible" by Lloyd M. Graham, written in 1975. It pretty much exposes everything in the Bible as being what it is, an allegory, because if taken literally, it is absurd nonsense.
Keep the faith!
Prodigal Son