cameo's right again!
Another thing that was reversed was Jehovah is the bad guy and the serpent is the good guy!
created his son 1st,instead of wife/mother for adam/eve.antitypical father produced a/e than took off to galaxy eso513-13 and left the kids to fend for guidance and unattended.if they had a mother..she would of provided care,protection,love,understanding watch over them,wisdom,insight.mother is full of forgiveness.his son was to baby sit,but could not be seen.. today when to have a mother and a father you can raise a child on the straight and narrow.even with satan and all of his demons.drugs,porn,immortality,money etc.yet a/e were in a perfect setting but no mother for guidance kids fell be the wayside.. b.
cameo's right again!
Another thing that was reversed was Jehovah is the bad guy and the serpent is the good guy!
i dislike the way that the publications promote such excitement for armageddon.
i have only ever met one jw that actually suggested that anyone dying beforehand may be fortunate as they will not have to face the horrors of armageddon.
anyway, it would make a lot of sense if the gb somehow focused on preservation during this time as many will die due to the nature of what will occur.
From what I remember, we were taught that we would be watching Armageddon from the sidelines of spiritual paradise while sipping Amaretto on the swimming pool. Oh, there might be some "persecution" like maybe closing the Kingdom Hall, but Jehovah will step in immediately because we're Watchtower property and protected under the corporate umbrella, and touching one of us is like touching his eyeball.
some people think that it must be miserable to be a jw because they dont celebrate christmas or birthdays.. but they're wrong!
being a jw is miserable because you cant do fucking anything.. crazy hair day - this was a fundraising day where kids come to school with blue or red died hair and give a $2 donation.
i wasnt allowed to do this because it was too worldly to have "crazy hair" and it would be too hard to wash it out for tomorrow nights meeting.. school camp - this was unnessisary association with those devil worshipping 9 year olds.
They are trained to hate everything non-JW, it's the Devil's world.... what a freakin' messed up way to think and live....
I suspect it won't be long before the Watchtower cult is recognized as the "hate" religion that it is and practicing it openly will be tantamount to denying the holocaust or bashing homosexuals.
boyzone's avatar:
funny how ones perspective on a given type of event can change.... over the years, while still a jw, we would find ourselves in a bit of financial strife and somehow we would get through it.
''jehovah'' always provided some relief, some unexpected windfall or extra work etc.. oh what proof of the holy spirit at work!.
fast forward to now, when i am so far removed from ''jehovah'' as one could be and guess what?
Oz, you've just summed up the not so secret teaching of every major religion... God is within you and acts THROUGH you. YOU are God. YOU make it happen. YOU are the "I AM". Jesus said it. Paul said it. It's between all the lines of the Bible. If people would only read it that way most of it would make sense.
do you agree that there should not be a mosque in the area that was wiped out by muslim extremists?
on the view, it was discussed with bill o'reilly and the ladies of the view.
joy behar and whoopie flipped because bill said "muslims" were responsible for the carnage there and it would not be appropriate for a mosque in that area.. what do you think?.
Good Lord! Muslims had nothing to do with 911!!! Wake up!!!
and i feel good!
it was a long time coming.
i stopped going to meetings june 09. the reason i left it so long is because my husband is still in and for this reason i see witnesses from time to time.
Congrats! I wish I was back in so I could do it again!
do you agree that there should not be a mosque in the area that was wiped out by muslim extremists?
on the view, it was discussed with bill o'reilly and the ladies of the view.
joy behar and whoopie flipped because bill said "muslims" were responsible for the carnage there and it would not be appropriate for a mosque in that area.. what do you think?.
soooo many thought obama was the savior and now scores of people are abandoning him and his policies.
the pendulum swings and you hear how we need a republican to bail us out of our mess.. do you really believe a single person or party can make the changes for the country or the world ?
HOL, Nick Rockefeller bragged to Hollywood producer Aaron Russo about how they rewrote the encyclopedia and took over the school curriculum in order to teach everyone BULLSHIT. He said that one day Americans will wake up and find out they've been lied to about EVERYTHING. Maybe it's time to forget the bullshit science and look into how gravity and magnetics REALLY work....give this a listen if you want, or just wait for the truth to come out.....there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
soooo many thought obama was the savior and now scores of people are abandoning him and his policies.
the pendulum swings and you hear how we need a republican to bail us out of our mess.. do you really believe a single person or party can make the changes for the country or the world ?
Minimus, if you look into how the lobbyists are really running America, you would see that oil money makes most of the decisions. For instance, every time a bill is put forth to get the hell off of fossil fuels and make cleaner energy, it gets voted against by most of Reps because they are all PROSTITUTES on the TAKE. They sell out on their constituency that elected them for the MONEY. They get, on average, $115,000 in campaign contributions annually for voting against such bills while the ones voting FOR them get an average of $16,000.
If money is power, and it is, then to REALLY put it in perspective who holds the power in this world, get a load of this.... The top seven oil companies in the world make 85 percent of the world's money!!! Exxon-Mobil ALONE takes in TWICE as much annually as THE ENTIRE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY. That's right, BIG PHARMA is only HALF of Exxon-Mobil!! In the meantime, burning oil is like ripping the earth's blood out of it and throwing the entire planet out of balance. Taking all this stuff out of the earth is actually MAKING IT LIGHTER and is damaging gravity, tides, rotation, electromagnetic grid lines, etc.... and they DON'T GIVE A SHIT, except for lining their pockets.
I get these figures from a book I'm reading called "The Tyranny of Oil", a current best-seller by Antonia Juhasz.
The GOOD news is, they're building up incalculable BAD KARMA for themselves. Spending a few thousand years as a RIFTIA TUBEWORM on a deep-sea hydrothermic vent is most likely in their very near future.
soooo many thought obama was the savior and now scores of people are abandoning him and his policies.
the pendulum swings and you hear how we need a republican to bail us out of our mess.. do you really believe a single person or party can make the changes for the country or the world ?
If that crazy bastard warmonger McCain (who sang "Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran" to the tune of the Beach Boys "Barbara Ann" and created a turmoil in the Middle East) had won the election, he would have nuked Iran and started WWIII by now. Obama IS the guy for change but his hands are tied as long as the Exxon Mobil Black Magicians have the planet by the balls causing earthquakes and whatnot whenever they want to send a message not to mess with them. Nothing is going to change until we have alien disclosure and the central bankers are out of business. It WILL happen soon, it's just a matter of when, not if.