Don't you know it's just the demons trying to get people to believe in an immortal soul? Because you know, Jehovah is going to permanently destroy anyone who dares to believe that pesky talking snake.
Don't you know it's just the demons trying to get people to believe in an immortal soul? Because you know, Jehovah is going to permanently destroy anyone who dares to believe that pesky talking snake.
can someone show me a verse that shows satan telling a lie?.
Just to take the thought a little further, if there were no people, would there be a Devil? Where might he live outside of human consciousness?
can someone show me a verse that shows satan telling a lie?.
I think the Bible was written to help us with internal battles and we put everything on a world level outside of ourselves....
can someone show me a verse that shows satan telling a lie?.
Ummm, maybe Jesus and us are really one?
just sayin....
can someone show me a verse that shows satan telling a lie?.
And if we all have God within, then God would have to squish himself.....
...just sayin'......
can someone show me a verse that shows satan telling a lie?.
What if Satan is just a metaphor for something we all have inside that we have to get rid of? Maybe this why God hasn't squished him under his thumb? We would all be squished.
i saw a very long thread on answerbag answering the above question in which there are several jws responding and denyng vehemently what is said in the question.
in some places being quite rude to people.
the dialogue highlighted yellow is me, the text highlighted blue is someone who is agreeing that the jws did preach this.
I was 8 when I started studying in 1969. By '73 I was fully indoctrinated and got baptized a week after turning 12. I vividly remember how certain we all were that it was coming in '75. It was totally believable, given how rapidly everything was going downhill at the time, and considering that the world had been indoctrinated for decades through the media (and fallout shelter signs everywhere) that a nuclear holocaust was only one push of a red button away.
The world didn't end then, and it isn't ending now.
The Watchtower and FoxNews work for the same entity.... the God of Fear, also known as you say, the "Father of the Lie".....
....Satan the Devil
i was dfd in 1995 however i still believed it was the truth until 2009. and until then i was fearful of armageddon's day.. i remember every time i'd see a dark sky with thunders and lighting i would question if that was it.
the news of any major disaster, hurricanes earthquakes would ignite fear inside me and i would think that could be the beginning of the end.. when i was around 8 i remember going to visit my grandma and she was watching the news.
a major conflict in the middle east had ended and some president said that the world was not in peace.
Petrified. There's was no way I was surviving. I couldn't even be a borderline JW. Like you, I was Df'd in '95, and also like you, believed Armageddon was coming until about a year ago. Then was when I learned about the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.
i want to collect a bunch of things that i can use to help my son see that the wbts and being a jw makes no sense.. i have a few in mind already.
they have to be things that might matter to a teenager, so doctrine will probably be out!.
(if you have read my last post you will see why).
Jehovah Gives Light to His Spirit-Directed People
-Sodom and Gomorrah flip-flops....hysterical!
Tons more of this kind of stuff here....
if you think through the jw belief system, we would have to renounce sexual relations forever to get into the new system.
jw's believe that those coming back in a resurrection will not be married or given in marriage.
Jesus was talking about spirit bodies, which are neither male nor female but the perfect union of both polarities.
Rather than being "spiritual" as they are constantly boasting, JW's can understand nothing except physical bodies, a physical paradise earth, and a physical explanation of everything in the Bible. They are completely stuck in materialism. No shock, since they utterly deny the fact that we are spirits temporarily inhabiting human bodies.