BFD ... so good to see a friendly face in the crowd!
Step 1 ... the boy had sex without being married. He knew, you know and I know he broke one of the tenets of being a baptised and dedicated member of Jehovah's Witnesses. So he actually judged himself by doing this. Can't play dumb at 17 years old.
The practise is to have a private JC by chosen elders. If it was meant to be decided by the general congregation, there would be no privacy. As it is, an unrepentent person is announced as no longer being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Saves ambarassment and no one is the wiser as to what they did wrong.
Step 3... he did not seek reinstatement.
Yes indeed, addiction is a powerful affliction ... preaching to the choir :) been there .. done that .. not booze though.
Sweet BFD .. I'd love to study the Bible with you. PM me and I'll give you my addy ... later .. Rose