JoinedTopics Started by Rosalee
Do JW's reveal all their doctrines to those they study the Bible with?
by BonaFide inyes, the fairly new bible teach book contains some info in the appendix, but do witnesses include that in the study?.
Another reason the JW-style paradise won't be needed
by sir82 inhow does that kingdom malady go?
"...and the lame will leap just like the hart...?.
once again, the "wicked old world" is accomplishing what jesus, sitting invisibly on a throne and playing "world of warcraft" for going on a century, has not done:.
Why do people use so many derogative, belittling terms on here like....
by reniaa inmaybe for the same reason the bible namecalls:.
active jw's visiting here?
by Ronnie38 ini was just curious---.
i assume that there are active jws that visit here.. any idea on the percent that the board has?
does it just seem to be a very few or is it a substantial number?.
WOW!!! I'm shocked ...
by Rosalee inmost of you don't know who i am ... i'm not around here much.. i stop in once in a while to see what's new ... and i see this site is closing!.
through the years i've posted here when somthing interested me.
for the most part members were rather decent to me .. a few very nice.
Amazing abuse of privacy...
by CaptainSchmideo inmy sister and her husband live in another city/state from me, so i don't get to see them that often.
he's a ministerial servant, they have two young children.
i heard a story that happened to them recently.... he was taken aside by an elder, who wanted to inspect his bag to see how many toys they were bringing to the meeting for their daughter to play with.. apparently, someone complained!.
JW replies to e-mail...continuation of yesterday
by dawg inok, so jw replies to my e-mail yesterday; the one in which i posted a topic about.. he said this.
georgiahuff i'm glad you feel that way and like i said your opinions don't matter to me!!!
first of all you are a very closed minded person and you probably never even been to the kingdom hall yourself or read the bible.
by LadyCCC iniam now as what was announced at a recent meeting that iam "no longer a jehovah's witness" all of my family and friends are witnesses so this will ailenate me from all of my friends and family.
but i feel like i don't want to go back.
i really hate the feeling of isolation and shamefulness while iam sitting in the meeting, what's the point of it all.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult and here's why I think so
by B_Deserter inwhen most people think of "cult" they think of the people's temple, the branch davidians, or heaven's gate.
many also want to put jehovah's witnesses, mormons, and scientologists into this group.
i don't agree with that because there is one main difference between true cults and high-control groups like jws:.