journey-on ... I see this is a subject that is close to you. It is to me too. I understand your thoughts, especially since it involves your brother. Growing up as a JW though, he knew the consequences. At 17 he was fully able to understand the end results and decided to defy the edict.
You and I both know that he could have gone for reinstatement if it bothered him so much. Let's put the onus on the real perpetator. Shunning, most definitely is hard to take ... for anyone ... young or old. It's not like the JWs dreamed it up ... it IS scriptural.
Don't make the mistake of blaming one entity for the wrongs another gets involved in. This sort of reminds me of Adam blaming his eating of the fruit ... because of this woman you gave me. Come on!!! Let's truly take responsibility.
My brother was not raised as a JW but is a raving alcoholic ... how are you going to twist that around to who's to blame. Could just be my brother's fault and choice. I love my brother but see him as making his own choices ... but he will give you umpteen reasons for his failure.