You can fool all of the people some of the time ..
You can fool some of the people all of the time ..
Proof positive.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
You can fool all of the people some of the time ..
You can fool some of the people all of the time ..
Proof positive.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
Oh the innocense!
What is a troll?
What is a lock down?
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
"if she is a witness, what is she doing here?"
John Doe answered that nicely ... thank you, kind sir.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
Is it just me???
Can all you people honestly read inactives? posts and say with a straight face that you believe her???
Just call me a skeptic :)
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
Wrong ... Gopher .. that was not my first post on this thread .. good try though :)
If inactive? IS a JW she would not ask for advice from apostates ... you know that as well as I.
Maybe YOU don't consider yourself an apostate and maybe YOU aren't but lots of people here call themselves apostates. Therefore ... I dare :)
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
Sankes ... methinks thou doth protest too much :)
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
Gopher ... I don't really care what beliefs she hews ... just commenting on the obvious.
Snakes ... take a downer !!!! Yes I would say this to inactive? to her face.
inactive? ... no I am not just now reading your first post. Please keep up here ... I said I just REREAD your first post. Your lingo is improving with each post ;) IMHO
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
I just reread inactive's first post.
She is either a) having a good laugh at the commotion she caused here ..
or b) ... her elevator doesn't reach the top floor.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
Well ... I'm here ... not too sure about the welcome though.
I just find your story TOO hard to believe.
Why on earth would you clean the bathrooms of people who do not accept you??
Some self respect is in order ... that's why I find this whole story beyond belief.
AND no congregation I know of would allow you to clean the hall if you are not an accepted member.
It does not compute ;)
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
inactive? ... why would you ask admitted apostates for help with JW problems????