Thanks, all, for the welcomes.
After I left, I only read Franz' Crisis of Conscience and no other literature, books, or anything. So, curiously, I didn't leave because I went on the internet or read any apostate literature. I left because, all know.
Years later I surfed the net curiously about JW's and there was such a motherlode of information!
I asked myself, would I have joined in 1987 if I had access to such freely available information? I remember looking for some "apostate" literature before I joined-- cautiously, but still curious, even though warned of Satan's wily attempts to get me "doubtful". But, it was slim pickins at our library, and all of the criticisms that I was hearing verbally from others were eloquently explained away by my Bible Study teachers. Then, those of you who joined from the outside know the routine: the "love" chemicals take over and new converts become google-eyed about the JW's in the same way that people fall in love and then discount the negatives of their lover, even though their friends are warning them away. So, it took years for the voice of my conscience to yell loudly enough for me to stop ignoring it.
But, I think if I had access to the internet then before I "fell in love" and was in the more cautious, early stages of talking with the JW's and in the Bible study, I think the sheer amount of criticism on the Net would have made me slow my row much more.