Good to see you, also.
The red-headed freckled little fiend somehow managed to get outside into the forbidden snow; frostbitten fingers were his reward for flagrantly flouting his assumed independence.
altruism assuage austere
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Good to see you, also.
The red-headed freckled little fiend somehow managed to get outside into the forbidden snow; frostbitten fingers were his reward for flagrantly flouting his assumed independence.
altruism assuage austere
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
ROFL @ Nancy and CoCo.
My extreme anxiety precludes any driving on a thoroughfare, motorway, or expressway.
A quiet country road is the best I can muster now.
simper temper whimper
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
LOL @ Nancy!
Good mornin.'
The dogwood tree is most impressive when in full bloom; I've never been too enamored of driftwood; I think Robin Hood and I could have split a watermelon together.
eject inject project (verb)
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
CoCo, et al.
The great thing about living in Alabama is that there are not too many funny talkin' people to grate on our nerves, also, the highest grade of peanuts can be found in our fair state.
neigh nay weigh way
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
I am revisiting "purchase": The tired horses tried to regain purchase as the chariot lurched around the rocky bend.
I was inspired by one of Leonard Pitt's column in which he used the word purchase in a similar fashion.
I have been away for a few day, but I'm happy to be back on board.
verbs adverbs conjunctions
a poster who joined this site some five years ago , luo bou to , and offered his two cents worth , so to speak , about his experinces , and spiralling downfall to his marriage and faith and how it had left him , posted a number of posts ?
about his journey ?
and gained a great deal of satisfaction and solidarity from this site.. use the search engine for his previous posts .
Sending you peace, strength, and love from Alabama.
greetings, my aging friends!
before asking you this question, i tried to do some research on the thought that 'hard work never killed anyone,' but, man, can it cripple you!
what i wanted to figure out is something better than you're getting older and tireder.. many of us have done hard physical labor most of our lives and see no prospect of retirement.
Oh, I forgot the water.
Thanks, Anne.
I also try to eat a lemon each day.
This really helps.
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
I'm here to incite to love and fine works, so my keen insight into human nature causes me to pass on insite.
Hi, all.
I've missed y'all.
Hey, don't bawl.
I was just down the hall.
rue (not regret) hue cue
greetings, my aging friends!
before asking you this question, i tried to do some research on the thought that 'hard work never killed anyone,' but, man, can it cripple you!
what i wanted to figure out is something better than you're getting older and tireder.. many of us have done hard physical labor most of our lives and see no prospect of retirement.
Hi, CoCo.
How do I cope with impaired mobility?
I force myself to walk - around the house, the backyard, down the road.
If I'm going for a lengthy walk, I ask my g'daughter to come with me; in case the dizziness (Meniere's disease) becomes too much for me to handle, she can go back and get the car.
I absolutely refuse to allow myself to become a couch potato.
a loud get well grace from all of us to you.
everyone, grace has been in and out of the hospital and i'm sure she would love to read your get wells.
we miss you grace:) wish i could post pictures.
Numbers 6
22 Adonai said to Moshe, 23 “Speak to Aharon and his sons, and tell them that this is how you are to bless the people of Isra’el: you are to say to them,
24 ‘Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yishmerekha.
[May Adonai bless you and keep you.]
25 Ya’er Adonai panav eleikha vichunekka.
[May Adonai make his face shine on you and show you his favor.]
26 Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v’yasem l’kha shalom.
[May Adonai lift up his face toward you and give you peace.]’
This blessing from the Complete Jewish Bible is what I desire for you, Grace.
Love and peace.