I never experienced that, Rub.
I heard about it from others who thought it was wonderful.
We're used to intense heat down here, though.
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
I never experienced that, Rub.
I heard about it from others who thought it was wonderful.
We're used to intense heat down here, though.
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Had to google RKO - never heard of it before now.
Never whine
Drink wine
You'll feel divine
chop mince shred
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
No more laughter.
No more love.
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
A minstrel, a troubadour, a bard walked into a bar ...
Tee hee hee.
Since maintaining its image of being the one true organization approved by God is of paramount importance to the WT, questioning its teaching is tantamount to challenging God Almighty Himself. It is difficult for JW's to surmount this obstacle to freedom of thought.
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Hi, CoCo.
I'm feeling especially heartened today.
My 16 year old g'daughter has a job!
She's taken an interest in a nice young man and is outside right now "helping" him work on his vehicle.
I'm giving myself a mental pat on the back ...
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
Oh, I almost forgot to mention about the bookstudy in private homes.
We met at the spotless house of one dear soul; it was like one big happy family.
She had a nice garden and would glady share her lush collards with all.
The dear lady has since passed on, she had no offspring, so the house is left empty, desolate, and is beginning to deteriorate.
Much like the WT.
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
Hey, Outlaw.
All the posts are oh so true.
FactFinder, your post almost has me in tears.
Thanks to all for your input.
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
Simple, kind, honest-hearted ...
That is what drew me into the JW's; that is what I was looking for; my childhood was traumatic and very unstable.
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Is this an actual account, Nancy?
So much ballyhoo at the zoo!
Baboons trying out new shampoo
Orangutans hurling earthy poo
Chimps playing a game of peek-a-boo ...
minstrel troubadour bard
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
I'm no longer with the JW's, but one of my daughters is still in.
To me, it's hardly recognizable anymore.