Good for you!
I also tried at one time, but couldn't due to chronic hypertension.
went to donate blood today for first time.
unfortunately my iron count was too low.
so i expressed how disappointed i was.
Good for you!
I also tried at one time, but couldn't due to chronic hypertension.
#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
... Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Even though he's an atheist.
#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
What is Penny's last name?
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
I remember a couple went to a large city and came back saying JW's there were unfriendly, I simply couldn't believe it.
Now, I do.
#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
Bernadette is MEAN!
#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
Loves me some Sheldon, also, but he gets on my nerves at times.
Those two I mentioned above do not.
#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
#1 Rajesh Koothrappali
#2 Amy Farrah Fowler
Rajesh because he's got Sheldon's number.
Amy because she reminds me so much of me.
When I was in school, I was never part of the "in" crowd.
I was viewed as weird and nerdish.
i am preparing for my meeting this friday with miss k. we are reviewing the bible teach book, and she is looking forward to "showing me some things about the divine name.
" i don't know what she might pull out of her hat this time... but that section of the teach book is so completely assanine, i don't even know what to say.
) what did jesus mean when he said that to his father?.
Jesus revealed the character of the Father, that the Father is love.
In Jewish thought, a name was more than an appellation, it also identified the nature of a person.
Tell her that Jesus was referring to His 12 apostles (yes, even Judas!) when He said, "I have made your name known to them."
These Jewish males, all versed in the Torah, would have known about YHWH, so that couldn't have been what Jesus had in mind.
Insist on reading the entire 17th chapter of John, so that nothing can be taken out of context.
we found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
During those times, I was blissfully unaware that such ugly goings-on were part of the JW's.
I was really and truly finding joy in what I perceived to be serving the Most High God
Now, I know.