Welcome back, Nancy.
A freckled newt nibbled on fruit, all dressed up in its birthday suit!
reticent trucculent indolent
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Welcome back, Nancy.
A freckled newt nibbled on fruit, all dressed up in its birthday suit!
reticent trucculent indolent
most people here have never met you.
we converse, discuss, argue, laugh, agree, question, share our lives..... quite often, you kind of get to know what a person is like.
some people, we tend to gravitate to and others, we shy away from.. how do you think you come across to other people?
i was talking with a still in relative today who mentioned how they had this sister with 3 or 4 kids over recently.
they said she is returning ot meetings and coming back into the truth, etc.
i remember when i was still in, the only ones i ever saw trying to return were generally the single moms with lots of baggage.
Love and acceptance and the hope of finding a good JW man to help her raise the kiddies.
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Her treachery and deceit threatened to bring me to the depth of despair.
bandy gandy randy
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
He carefully adds up how much it will cost to run ads for an adze he found in his grandpa's attic.
sacred/scared newt/went
so my wife and my parents are at their convention today.
this will be the first time in my life that i will not have seen a drama or baptism.
i will miss the public address, i will not see many of my lifelong friends that i have moved away from.
Stand firm.
We mothers know how to get to our children.
transhuman mentioned that someone on the board suffers from thread envy.. are you jealous of other posters who just seem to be able to generate responses to their threads?.
Thanks, LosingIt.
Perhaps, Xant.
I know what you mean, What.
I've been guilty of going completely off course.
transhuman mentioned that someone on the board suffers from thread envy.. are you jealous of other posters who just seem to be able to generate responses to their threads?.
But what difference does it make, if its pages of posters attacking one another?
This should be copied and framed and placed within eye-level view of every poster.
transhuman mentioned that someone on the board suffers from thread envy.. are you jealous of other posters who just seem to be able to generate responses to their threads?.
In retrospect, not LOL.
How we were duped!
transhuman mentioned that someone on the board suffers from thread envy.. are you jealous of other posters who just seem to be able to generate responses to their threads?.
I feel somewhat validated when I get responses.