Hi, Dagney.
You do not remind me of Kudra any more.
how is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
Hi, Dagney.
You do not remind me of Kudra any more.
how is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
A legend?
Around these here parts?
Get out of here!
Happy to meet you, too, Millie.
i'm a postman with the royal mail and was assigned to train a new starter yesterday.
my line manager introduces me to 'dave', within seconds my jw radar was on maximum!
in his mid to late 30's, politely spoken and with that haircut - i just knew it.. the post he'd applied for was saturdays only, he said he did a lot of volunteer work.
Bet he gets a convention part for quitting his job.
how is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
Flipper, hey, Big Brother. Say Hi to your delightful wife, also. Alas, due to my anxiety issues, travel of any kind is out of the question for now.
Hey, Baby Girl.
Village Idiot, LOL. "Nuff said.
Shirl, not making any promises, but I'll probably be here for a little while.
I can't get BOLD to work any more.
how is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
CoCo, ...
Ah, a jeremiad against the advancing years.
I, too, hear the rapids in the distance.
being brought up as a jehovah's witness means you are so used to the term that you rarely stop to think about it.. one thing i've noticed is that people unfamiliar with the religion will say "jehovah witness" (no 's) instead which i always found a bit grating.. but watching the us election, something struck me.
people are often referred to as "trump supporters", not "trump's supporters" and so on.
thinking about other things, people would say they were "united fan's", not "united's fans" and so on.. it seems weird that a group would refer to themselves as though it was someone else talking about them (in the 3rd person, if i have that right).. what do you think?
Down here in Alabama, among Black people, it's Jeehovah Witness - excessive emphasis on the Jee.
I always introduced myself at the doors as one of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses.
The Christian part always brought a listening ear.
how is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
Thank you all, again.
Lieu, you and that goose!
Magnum, suddenly I'm craving a rich chocolate ice cream on a stick.
Shirley, I see you, girlfriend.
Snakes/Rich, you know how I feel about you and Alabama.
Pistoff, of course I'm in the line of Jesus of Nazareth.
We all are.
JW Daughter, don't start with me ...
Coco, Through a Darkened Pane is forever imprinted on my heart.
GL, when I watch Bill O'Reilly with his word of the day, I think of you.
I still remember the word "philippic."
Old John, tee hee hee.
Jookie, good to see you.
LITS, precious woman, say hey to Flipper, OK?
Wanna, I ain't going nowheres.
Stuck, thanks.
Love you guys.
how is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
I've been busy with a family genealogy, and working on a timeline from Adam to Jesus of Nazareth.
When I publish the timeline, I submit that it's going to set off a firestorm.
how is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
How is everybody doing?
It's been 8 months since I've been here.
So many newbies!
i just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.