JoinedPosts by snowbird
JWs, An American Religion, in dress, in language, etc., by Joel Elliot
by compound complex ina fascinating article, with color-saturated imagery.
requested that he not be quoted, so there are no snippets here, just a link:.
One of the first anti-JW articles that I read!
Also, JW's And The Theocratic Subversion Of Ethnicity - I believe that is correct - can't Google right now.
I was looking for something else at UNC site and stumbled upon Joel's essays.
The rest is history.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Cofty's conclusion is logical, Fisherman.
You MUST know this!
The WT is bloodguilty due to its discouragement of blood transfusions for its members.
I am exploring a hunch of mine as to how this no-blood nonsense came about in the first place.
I believe it has something to do with Charles Drew, blood banks, and the fear of White people that somehow the blood of Black people would "contaminate" them.
This came about during the pre and post-WWII years - the same time frame as WT's development of its no-blood stance.
Whatever happened to Metatron
by Dark Knight ini used to love reading metatron's posts.
does anyone know what happened to him?.
Seems that he last posted 2 years ago.
I also loved reading his posts.
What does CLAM stand for?
by QuestioningEverything ini've seen this in a few posts and not sure what it means.
:) please help..
Come Let's All Molder
July's watchtower leaves out some important info from a quote!
by stavro injerome over on discuss the truth has picked up on something interesting.. in the july watchtower on page 28 of the article entitled “winning the battle for your mind” the following statement is made “keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda is likely to be most effective, says one source, if people… are discouraged from thinking critically.”.
the quote comes from a book entitled: “media and society in the twentieth century: a historical introduction by lyn gorman, david mclean" the watchtower however, chose to leave out a portion of the quote.. the full quote is "therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people do not have access to multiple sources of information and if they are discouraged from thinking critically.. the following sentence which the watchtower also decided was best not to include states,.
Watch those dots ... !
It is ALWAYS a good idea to check the complete quote.
New letter about Circuit Conventions accounting procedures
by Hecce ini hope that one of the friends will post the letter soon.
i heard that on 3/27/2017 a letter with new instructions about the accounts at the circuit conventions was released.
the letter seems to adopt many of the corrections that had been suggested here at the forum, among other things during the accounts report they will be no mention of the per capita and the amount due is going to be released only to the elders.
Per capita - by head.
Babies, too?
The WT claims to adhere to the Master's injunction that "you received free, give free."
In practice, it does anything but that, and prevails upon the JW flock to bail them out.
It is a devious organization.
Who Is the Archangel Michael? "evidently" Jesus
by NikL infront of has this article....
i am at work right now so can't examine it very close but was just curious what some of you more knowledgeable ones think of it?.
I misspoke earlier.
Michael is listed as the champion of ISRAEL, not the Creator, who doesn't need a champion.
Who Is the Archangel Michael? "evidently" Jesus
by NikL infront of has this article....
i am at work right now so can't examine it very close but was just curious what some of you more knowledgeable ones think of it?.
@Doubtful - Oh, no! No! No!
Michael is listed as a champion of the Creator.
Women are a "stack of bones and a hank of hair" - J.F. Rutherford
by krismalone ini have heard rumors and anecdotes of j.f.
rutherford calling women "a hank of hair and a stack of bones" but i never thought it was documented.
well thanks to jwfacts i finally found the quote in print.. this j.f.