Bad, Outlaw!
my day's long and arduous journey winds down.. infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into her.
welcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,.
that transition into a higher and.
Bad, Outlaw!
my day's long and arduous journey winds down.. infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into her.
welcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,.
that transition into a higher and.
I will not watch it.
Too awesome!
my day's long and arduous journey winds down.. infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into her.
welcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,.
that transition into a higher and.
Hey, Nancy.
Nothing yet.
April's babe/calf is taking its own sweet time.
i had a young couple stop by yesterday to drop off an invitation to the memorial.
i told them i was a bible student & had studied a number of religions.
i got into all the hot topics.
i had a young couple stop by yesterday to drop off an invitation to the memorial.
i told them i was a bible student & had studied a number of religions.
i got into all the hot topics.
All we can do is plant the seeds ...
LOL @ Outlaw.
as i prepare the pre-draft stage of my study into the evolutions of salvation, i have drafted a chapter on colossians and on the gospel of thomas.
Yes, indeed, Bravo!
Here are some concerns that I noted.
Colossians' in the possessiveness should be written this way at all times.
Page 1 Style and Vocabulary - Colossians has many terms that appeal nowhere else ... Appear?
Page 1 Image of the Body of Christ - Paul certainly maintains that the church is one throughout the world and in its many manifestations, but he does not use "body" to express that ides in the undisputed letters. Idea?
Page 2 Alternate View - The consensus of scholarly opinion is the Philemon is incontestably Pauline ... That?
You have a remarkable way of making deep stuff understandable.
Thanks, again and again.
as i prepare the pre-draft stage of my study into the evolutions of salvation, i have drafted a chapter on colossians and on the gospel of thomas.
Hey, as we say in Alabama.
I never fail to learn something new from your studies.
Namely, that Paul's authorship of some Epistles attributed to him is questionable.
I knew about Hebrews, but not the others.
Also, what is your take on Colossians 4:16?
Thanks so much.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
Not all Democrats are far Left.
I usually vote Democrat, but am very conservative when it comes to fiscal and educational issues.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
Kudos to both of you!
It's going to be alright.
We're going to make it.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
Slimy politicians - that's all of them.