I am genuinely interested.
it's claimed it takes 400 million atoms to become a single strand of dna.
how do the atoms know.
3. what order.
it's claimed it takes 400 million atoms to become a single strand of dna.
how do the atoms know.
3. what order.
is atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
it was a long time coming for me.....when i read about the extened generations, after being raised on1914 being the be all end all, and millions would never die....that was the end.
i was part of the 1975 fiasco, the 6 month only truth book studies, suffered through a disifellowshipping and their version of a rewind.
i finally am free and hope others can eventually look in instead of inside looking out!
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
Please tell me one thing that faith-based thinking has contributed to human knowledge in the past 500 years.
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
So, the speed of light is not a constant?
Under certain conditions, no.