Even though y'all have a strange brand of football.
my boy is going to play for watford football club!
and whilst i didn't take his revelation to seriously, i am was glad his " goal" isn't to pioneer.
Even though y'all have a strange brand of football.
just had a wild conspiracy theory.
get your tin hats everyone.
what if this mass letter writing is all a bethel conspiracy to increase declining service hours?
are you seeing what im seeing?.
Divine Mercy Points the Way Back <-------- for Erring Ones
Memories ...
are you seeing what im seeing?.
I remember it quite well.
We had a WT study on that just before I got baptized in October of 1974.
I can still feel the queasiness that came over me during the study.
Looking back, I should have run like the wind!
and i can't wish him a happy birthday.
they converted when i was an infant, so birthdays were never a thing for us.
still, i'd love to be able to throw him a party, surround him with friends and family, and show him how much he's appreciated.
Just let him know how much you care about him.
He will appreciate it, I believe.
What a blessing for him to reach the Biblical three score and ten!
following from the worldwide campaign to send letters to the russian government: topic covered here.. i started observing a scary trend, i got around 100 messages on multiple messaging apps, facebook and other social media posts encouraging all jws to send letter to the russian government protesting on the ban with the hope they will overturn it.. what struck me is that all are doing it and encouraging others to do it.
so, what if the gb via request something like street protests, civil disobedience, to the extreme of voting for or against a particular law or fighting (far-fetched).. what would the jw membership do, not the awakened one?
in addition, i feel this exercise exposes the awakened ones.
A business letterhead is thought to carry more weight with authorities.
You know, the pecking order thing.
greetings, aging young men and women:.
the term, "aging young man," came to my attention when in my early 40s.
now, nearly thirty years later, i am definitely old.
I am both.
When illness forced me to retire, my boss and I wept.
Now, I'm dependable Mama Sylvia to my children and g'children.
I love them so, and I do believe it's reciprocal.
in this morning's paper, i read that many local health pros -- about 150 -- are losing their jobs.
the huge medical establishments (sponsoring hospitals) expected to turn a profit but are, instead, losing money.
within a couple months, our labs, doctors' offices, etc., will close.
Not too good here.
But, of course, this IS Alabama!
i've just finished eating a slice of delicious birthday cake!.
depart from me, for i am a sinful person.. tee hee hee.. sylvia.
No decapitation.
Not cheesecake.
Thanks, all.
anyone watching these interesting reports on several world religions?
on its third episode now.
places my particular situation as a skeptic jw in a much nicer shade in comparison to these others beliefs around the world.
I've watched in fascination.
I come from an area in Alabama that was steeped in occultic practices, so no big deal for me.
We (mankind) have strayed far from our original setup, and do all sorts of stuff to try to return.
My view.